Anyone familiar with Adam Warren & Toren Smith's version of the Dirty Pair will recognize several of the characters contained herein. I had the opportunity to discuss the writing of this story with Toren himself, and he informed me that such use of the characters was okay, so long as the story was distributed ONLY on a NON-PROFIT basis. In other words, this is safe. That aside, enjoy the story! =================================================================== E X P E R I M E N T 1 0 1 - E A Story of the WWWA by Larry Mann =================================================================== Based on characters and situations created by Haruka Takachiho, Toren Smith, and Adam Warren Original characters and situations Copyright (c) 1980, 1991 Haruka Takachiho and (c) 1991 Toren Smith and Adam Warren =================================================================== CAUTION:: This material may be freely distributed, on the condition that such distribution occurs ONLY on a NON-PROFIT basis. Any other form of distribution may result in a (large) lawsuit from Studio Proteus!! =================================================================== -------- PROLOGUE -------- > A.D. 2135xx.xx (month and day classified) > Planet Elenore, WWWA Central Headquarters, Sciences Wing "I don't know, Jeff, I just don't know about this." "What don't you know about?!" shot back Jeff Ayoob, WWWA Director of Operations. "For God's sake, Malsen! Don't start this again!" "I'm sorry!" Malsen retorted, now also upset. "But I'm the one who's had to explain to Administration why this project has been so damned expensive, and I've never really had solid ground to stand on! Admin is getting really impatient for some answers, Jeff!" "Relax, Ted," Ayoob said. "Operations has followed regular procedure for a classified project, and you know it. We haven't omitted any data from our reports. Admin was free to come in and inspect what we were doing at any time. If they wanted to stop this they would have done it a long time ago. So what is your problem?" "Credits," Malsen fumed. "This 'little' project took one hell of a bite out of our accounts!" "True, this is expensive," Ayoob said. "But if it works, the benefits will be astronomical." "Yeah, yeah. I've heard the spiel about how this is going to change the face of security and law enforcement throughout the United Galactica. But I question whether a tetrad A/P system will provide the safest method of enforcement." "Operations thinks it will," Ayoob said, speaking for his department. "And I think Administration agrees as well. If we pull this off, the WWWA could become the number one security corporation in the UG. I'd estimate we could cut crime by 65% at the very least. That's what we all want, isn't it?" Malsen said nothing. He had to agree with what Ayoob had just said, but deep down he still had misgivings. What they were about to create was, according to Operations, unlike anything ever designed by any security corporation galaxy-wide. But if anything went wrong, Malsen could easily become one of those "expendables", and for this reason he was extremely wary of any project which might jeopardize his standing in the WWWA... "Good morning, Mr. Ayoob." The security guards stepped aside as Ayoob entered the access code for the room they were guarding, and he and Malsen stepped inside. Malsen felt confined because of the high concentration of machinery present in the room. Most of the machinery was biotechnical in nature, and it all centered around a human-sized BioSculpt tank close to the room's center, the contents of which were partially obscured by the dark reddish oxygen-rich fluid filling the tank. "Morning, Jeff," said one of the technicians. "What's our status?" Ayoob asked. "All anatomical structures are completely formed," the tech answered. "We injected dermal stabilizers about an hour ago, and all the pre-activation programs are functioning perfectly." "How's the neural net?" "As far as we can see -- and we've triple-checked this -- the entire tetrad brain complex is fully operational and functioning normally. All of the A/P subroutines are fully online, and the core metaprogram is passing all its diagnostics with flying colors. No error compensation subroutines were ever invoked." Ayoob asked for the databoards and looked them over. He seemed to grow even more confident as his cyberoptic extended slightly from his head to read the glowing boards. Malsen began walking around the room, making sure his eyes passed over every square inch of machinery; he had a small CamCord cyber-A/V construct implant in his head, which was why Administration had him conduct a lot of interdepartmental business. Today was the day for Admin to receive an update on the experiment's progress. He activated the RECORD subroutine, and started walking around the room. Provided this affair did not take more than an hour, the 150 Megabyte RAMchip wouldn't miss a detail. Most of what he was recording was not wholly new. Admin had seen most of this machinery in previous recordings. What made the scene different was the amount of activity going on now. The technicians had been supervising the experiment much more closely since Malsen's last visit. "Jeff?" "Yeah, Ted?" "I want to look at everything today." He was referring to the fact that Ayoob had requested that certain parts of the experiment, particularly the contents of the BioSculpt tank, not be exposed to cameras, even for interoffice transactions. Hence, Malsen had been denied close access to these areas on more than one occasion. He was free to look at them from a distance, of course, but that wasn't what he wanted. "Does Ted Malsen want to look, or does Admin want to look?" Glaring, Malsen produced a memo from Admin which verified that Administration was requesting full access as of this visit. Ayoob looked the paper over and shrugged: "Good enough for me. Help yourself." Malsen went directly to the area he was wanting to see. Whatever they were making was obviously biomechanical in nature -- that was all Operations had really revealed. Malsen had figured it was some kind of warbeast, and he was anxious to see what kind of improvements were being made in this model. It would be nice to get rid of the heavy demand the WWWA had for Kuan Yin cymechs. He rested his hand on the BioSculpt tank and peered into the reddish fluid. "What the---?!?" he said, jumping back in surprise. "What's the problem, Ted?" Ayoob asked, sounding unconcerned. "I don't recall your mentioning anything to me about THIS kind of bioroid!!" Malsen cried, very angry. "You're right. I didn't." "Admin's gonna have a FIT when they see THIS!!!" Malsen shouted, preparing to storm out of the room. "They already know, Ted." Malsen stopped in mid-stride, and stared at Ayoob in disbelief. "They've known about it for quite some time," he continued. "That was the secret part. We agreed from the start that it'd be kept under wraps until it was almost time to run the exodus programs. I was going to tell you earlier, but Admin advised *me* not to tell anyone outside of Operations about it. It was their idea, not mine." Ayoob walked over to one of the techs and said something which even Malsen's CamCord couldn't pick up. A couple minutes later he approached Malsen with a small stack of databoards. "Up to now, only the people in this room and a couple people in Admin are the only ones who've seen this. But we're ready to disseminate internally now, so here's the data." Malsen accepted the databoards. He activated them one at a time, reading the glowing characters shining through the black surface. As he read, his face seemed to grow more expressionless, the result of a mixture of awe and fear. He walked slowly over to the BioSculpt Tank and rested his hand on the transparent covering, looking at the object within. "My God, what have we created here?" he mumbled. "Very simple, my friend," said Ayoob, who sounded extremely proud at the moment. "We have created the *perfect* Trouble Consultant!!" ----------- CHAPTER ONE ----------- > A.D. 213509.22, 16:27:01 [Opening scene: Indoor Weapons Range #3 at WWWA Headquarters on Planet Elenore. The range is currently deserted except for DEIRDRE, a short, eyeglassed blond girl dressed in a tank top and shorts. She fires a total of 15 bursts in rapid succession from her pistol, a Cassull 400-Series MiniPlasma, most of which strike the human-sized target at the other end of the range. The round finished, she checks the power pack on the gun...] DEIRDRE Discharged. Right on schedule... Guess that's it for today. [to the scoring system:] Shooting run on lane number one finished. Final report please? COMPUTER Final round on lane one: 14 out of 15 discharges hit target, 7 of which were in maximum scoring zone. HMR for this round was 93%. Overall run results: cumulative performance ratings were, in order of occurrence: 73%, 77%, 81%, and 88%. Pattern suggests steady improvement in efficiency. DEIRDRE Oooh! Most bodacious! I'm, like, getting better by the minute! [Ayoob, who has entered unnoticed, speaks from behind.] AYOOB Yes, Deirdre, you are. DEIRDRE [startled] Wha?! Oh, Mr. Ayoob! Like, I didn't know you were, like, back there, y'know? AYOOB Oh, I just walked in, just in time to hear the results. The wetware's starting to work, I see. DEIRDRE [tapping her head] Oh, yes sir! Most bodaciously! Best chip I've ever had, like, installed, y'know? I'm already at perfect with, like, the Techlab Plasmas, and you, like, heard how I did with this series. I should be at perfect with both of them in, like, another day or so. [She takes off her glasses, touching a small pad on the frame which changes the lens color from amber to a very soft green, and starts polishing them with one corner of her tank top.] DEIRDRE So, what brings you here, sir? AYOOB Well, I needed to talk with you, and I figured this was where you'd be. DEIRDRE Well, sure, I mean, like, what good's a chip if it doesn't, like, know your body, y'know? Besides, the sooner I learn how to shoot real good, the sooner I can, like, be a T.C., right? AYOOB That's right. Maybe even sooner than you think. That's the main reason I needed to see you. DEIRDRE Huh? AYOOB [business voice] Deirdre Voxx, it gives me great pleasure to inform you that I have been authorized to issue you a provisional license as a Trouble Consultant. Congratulations. [Deirdre's eyes widen and her jaw drops. This is a moment she's been dreaming of for a long time now...] DEIRDRE OHH, YES!!! [Giving in to an impulse to hug the first person she sees, she proceeds to embrace Ayoob tightly. Then she realizes what she's doing and backs off.] DEIRDRE Oops! Uh, like, I'm, like, totally sorry about tt, sir. It just, uh, like, sorta, y'know like, *happened*, y'know what I mean? AYOOB [laughing] Perfectly all right, Deirdre. I know how much this means to you. DEIRDRE [getting really excited] Oh, jeez... Oh, man... Like, wow! This is like, so totally cool!! Oh man, like, when do I, like, get my license, sir?? AYOOB It'll be ready by 1700 hours, at my office. Okay? DEIRDRE Okay! You bet! I'll be there! [As she turns to head for the showers, Ayoob calls after her...] AYOOB Oh, and Deirdre! DEIRDRE Yeah? AYOOB There's going to be some other business going on, so I don't want any valley girls in my office. Understand? DEIRDRE [in a much less airheaded voice] Understood, sir. I only talk like that when I'm off duty. You'll have an Intel upgrade at the requested place at the requested time. AYOOB Ah, that's more like it. See you there. [He leaves. Deirdre heads for the showers, hugging herself tightly.] DEIRDRE [softly] Oooohhh, yeees!! Most *totally* bodacious! [Fade to black...] > 16:59:00 [Scene: a large hallway in the Operations Complex. Activity is declining rapidly as the day's business cycle comes to an end. Deirdre, now wearing a black business dress, comes walking up the hallway. She arrives at a large office labeled "Director of Operations". The outer door is already open, so Deirdre walks into the reception room, which is empty except for a secretary and a couple others.] DEIRDRE Provisional Agent Deirdre for Director Ayoob? SECRETARY Yes, Deirdre. You're confirmed. Go right in. [The inner door slides open and Deirdre walks into the Director's office. {For the benefit of those not familiar with the design: the office is very spacious, with a set of viewscreens/windows covering the entire western wall. An additional viewscreen sits on the northern wall, behind the Director's desk.} The western wall is currently in window mode, allowing a beautiful view of Elenore's forested surface. Ayoob is seated at his desk. He rises as Deirdre enters.] DEIRDRE [very businesslike] Good evening, Mr. Ayoob. AYOOB [likewise] Good evening, Deirdre. [He produces a white plastic card.] I would like to formally present you with your license. [He hands the card to Deirdre.] You are now officially a provisional Trouble Consultant. Congratulations, *Agent* Deirdre. DEIRDRE [doing her best to stay calm] Thank you, sir. You have no idea how honored I feel at this moment. [She pauses, looking at the license thoughtfully.] AYOOB [knowingly] Something's wrong, yes? DEIRDRE Yes. I've detected an inconsistency in the events concerning the issuance of this license, that at the moment defies explanation. AYOOB I imagine you first detected the inconsistency after our conversation at the range, and you confirmed it with data in your progress files. DEIRDRE Correct. AYOOB You're one sharp Intel, Deirdre. I didn't think you'd miss the fact that my actions were a nonstandard procedure. DEIRDRE It's hard for an Intel to not notice something like that. My main query is: what is the reason for your overriding the issuance criteria? I can't fathom why you'd license me if I'm not up to par. AYOOB Well, actually, it wasn't my idea. The Central Computer was the one who made the decision to override. DEIRDRE [surprised] The CC?? But why? AYOOB Well, Operations is experimenting with a new technique for Trouble Consultant field training, and the CC identified you as an ideal candidate for the experiment. DEIRDRE [more cautious] What exactly is this... new technique? AYOOB It's partly classified, so I can't reveal the main details unless you decide to accept. DEIRDRE What if I say no? AYOOB If you decline -- which you are of course free to do -- the Central Computer will try to find someone else, but I strongly doubt it'll find anyone with your brainpower anytime soon, just for the fact that most of our trainees are Luciens and Osics right now. You're the only Intel in your group of recruits, a one-of-a-kind. And if I may say, you're even sharper than most of the Intels I'm acquainted with. I'm speaking for the entire department when I say I'd really like to have you in on this little project. DEIRDRE ... AYOOB Oh, also: if you decline, your license will be revoked until you *do* qualify under standard criteria. [Deirdre, while cautious of being involved in experiments, has no desire to lose things she gets really excited about...] DEIRDRE All right. I accept. AYOOB [sounding relieved] Excellent! Now, is it true that you have never formally worked with a partner? DEIRDRE That's correct. Being a small-bodied Intel in a bunch of Luciens and Osics isn't exactly conducive to partnerships. AYOOB Hmm. Well, at any rate, on the advice of the CC, we selected a partner which we believe will be your ideal complement for this experimental technique. Before you say it, I know it's nonstandard, but we felt it would most effectively eliminate the largest amount of uncontrolled variables. Do you have a problem with this? DEIRDRE Uh, no... None that I know of... AYOOB Good. Your partner is quite eager to meet you. [He goes over to the intercom on his desk and hits the CALL button.] Lana? Would you send her in now, please? [A few seconds later the door hisses open and a dark-haired, blue-eyed, VERY voluptuous woman dressed in a tight-fitting blouse and skirt walks in.] DEIRDRE (thought) WOMAN Hello, Mr. Ayoob. AYOOB Good evening, Shasti. SHASTI [turning to face Deirdre] You must be Miss Voxx. I'm Shasti. May I call you Deirdre? DEIRDRE Uh, of course... if I may call you Shasti. SHASTI [sweetly] Why, certainly! It's only fair. [Shasti and Deirdre shake hands, as Ayoob smiles in the background.] AYOOB [to Deirdre] Both you and Shasti are roughly 1% away from satisfying all standard quotas for licensing. The Central Computer has recommended that the two of you establish a working relationship together, and complete your training as partners. Once this is done your code number will be assigned. SHASTI Wonderful, sir! [to Deirdre] I'm really looking forward to working with you, Deirdre! DEIRDRE Well, it'll certainly be interesting. [to Ayoob] Now, sir, can you give me a little more information on this technique you're working on? AYOOB [sounding reluctant] Well... I'm afraid I still can't tell you very much. You need to go through some field work first. DEIRDRE [getting angry] Sir! You said-- SHASTI [interceding] Oh, Deirdre! Why bother the man with silly questions? I'm sure he'll tell us whatever we need to know in good time. DEIRDRE ...... [relaxing] Yes, I suppose it'll do no good to rush. I apologize, Mr. Ayoob. AYOOB Perfectly all right. Now, if you ladies will excuse me, I'd like to go get some dinner. I'll leave you two to get better acquainted. [He walks out the door.] SHASTI [very sweetly] Good night, sir! DEIRDRE Good night. [Cut to the hallway, now deserted, as Ayoob walks toward the west end of the complex.] AYOOB [smiling, to himself] [Fade to black...] -- END CHAPTER ONE -- CHAPTER TWO ----------- > A.D. 213509.23; 16:02:04 > Planet Elenore, WWWA Central Headquarters, Administration Complex For once in his life, Ayoob felt absolutely no hint of anxiety as he approached the Main Conference Room. In fact, he was very confident, having every reason for satisfaction after receiving the day's reports. This presentation was going to be the exact opposite of the first one he ever gave in his professional career: it would be quick, concise, direct, unhindered by anxiety, and a smashing success. He was certain of it. Soon he was before the large doors of the conference room. Without a moment's hesitation he pressed his I.D. card into the security panel, and the doors parted. Most of the faces within bore various expressions of grimness. A few seemed indifferent. Evidently they'd been listening to Malsen's paranoid ramblings. Malsen was a nice guy, but he was cautious to a fault, and there was no need for unnecessary caution at this point in the game. Undaunted, Ayoob prepared his internal datafiles for download. At the front of the room, a giant-screen holoprojector had been wheeled in, as per Ayoob's request. This projector would provide the entire visual element of his presentation, once he was interfaced and had downloaded-- He suddenly noticed that no interfacing cables were present on the projector; without cables there would be no visual element to his presentation. As he started to look the machine over, trying to locate a cable, Malsen piped up: "The guy who wheeled it in forgot the cables, Jeff. He's probably on his way back by now." "Who was it?" Ayoob asked. "Only caught a glimpse of his badge," Malsen answered. "'Goulet' or something like that." "Frances Goulet?" "Yes, that's who it was," someone said. "He seemed like a pretty sharp guy, actually." "He is," Ayoob said. "Still makes a mistake or two, but he could be a damn good Director if he really wanted to. "Well," he continued, now formally addressing the gathering of Administration officials. "I was hoping to start off with a visual presentation, but since the A/V systems aren't quite ready, I guess I'll have to start off with some--" "Cables ready!" a voice uttered from the entrance, and a young brown-haired man rushed in. It was Frances Goulet. "Sorry about that, sir," he said sheepishly. "Dropped it on the way up here." "That's okay, Goulet. No harm done." Goulet handed the cables to Ayoob and left the room. The outer doors closed behind him, and the room lights dimmed as Ayoob plugged the cables first into himself, then into the holoprojector. As a test pattern image swirled into view, Ayoob spoke: "Well, gentlemen and ladies, it seems everything is going to proceed on schedule after all. Please allow me to entertain you with some A/V data files concerning Experiment 101-E. I believe you will find the results contained herein are nothing short of spectacular." > A.D. 213509.23; 16:39:00 > Administration Complex, Main Conference Room A flawless presentation, as he had expected. In the course of relating his files, Ayoob had used his cyberoptic to look closely at some of the faces observing his work. The expressions he saw were mostly impartial, but the silence in the room told him that everyone was paying close attention, and seemed genuinely interested in what was happening. "As I'm sure you can tell from these files, gentlemen and ladies, performance ratios are increasing exponentially on all avenues. I believe that Experiment 101-E has far exceeded any estimates ever made concerning efficiency." "Efficient, yes," said a voice which Ayoob recognized as Malsen's. "However, simulation and controlled environment runs do not in my opinion provide an adequate representation of how a unit, any unit, will function on the field. "No, of course not," Ayoob agreed. "But simulations and controlled situations can only carry the learning process to a certain point, and 101-E has nearly reached that saturation point. No, let me rephrase that: it is already there, even beyond it. The sooner the field tests can begin, the sooner growth can continue, and the sooner our work can be proven worthwhile." "We favor your desire to move forward, Director Ayoob," one of the executives spoke up. "But you must keep in context our situation. A considerably large sum of credits has been expended in the engineering of this project. It is not cost-effective to produce these units with regularity at the moment. Right now, even to produce another one would be financially hazardous for us." "If you are looking for assurance that the unit will not be terminated unexpectedly, I would ask you to look again at the success story, which far outweighs the survivability ratios of any agents now in our employ. I can guarantee that no damage will come to the experiment." "All right, but what about the internal stability of the unit itself?" queried the same executive as before. "We have received unfavorable analyses in the past regarding Tetrad A/P neural nets." "Well, whatever you might have heard," Ayoob said, glaring at Malsen during this sentence. "A full diagnostic was run on the entire net prior to and immediately after activation, and the unit checked out at 100% operating efficiency on all facets. There has been no indication of deterioration of any kind -- and believe me, if it was happening, we would see it. "As of now," he said with finality. "I see no reason to hold back our progress. If all goes well -- and it will -- these units will be more than just cost-effective; they could easily make the WWWA one of the wealthiest corporations in the United Galactica, while at the same time making the U.G. a lot safer place to live in. Don't you agree, gentlemen and ladies?" The executives looked at each other. Ayoob was a very persuasive man, he seemed very confident of his work, and he had the documentation to back up his claims, which gave his statements a lot more credibility than the word-of-mouth monologues which had been arriving from Malsen over the last few months. There seemed very little reason not to continue... > A.D. 213509.23; 09:30:00 > Operations Complex, Indoor Weapons Range #1 "PERFORMANCE RATING FOR THIS ROUND: 100%" the computer announced. "Yes! Most excellent!" Deirdre cried in triumph. The silicon implants in her brain had finally "learned" her body. She was now a crack shot. To prove it, she rotated her body ninety degrees to the left, using only her right hand to aim at the target. She snapped off a burst of three shots, all of which hit in the 100% range. "Very nicely done!" said Shasti, who was standing behind Deirdre. "Hey, thanks, partner!" Deirdre replied. "Been working on that for almost a month! Your turn now!" Shasti removed her weapon from its holster. It was a GB ElektroMag 1500, a very effective/deadly particle burst weapon. "E-mag, huh?" Deirdre said. "I never fired one of those before." "Neither have I," Shasti said. "But, there's a first time for everything." Shasti flipped the small safety switch on the gun's barrel, arming the carbine. "Initiate scoring for lane five!" she called to the computer. Her request was acknowledged with a beep and the resetting of all scores to zero. Her eyes narrowed to slits as she gripped the gun firmly with both hands and aimed at the new target which had been put in during the reset. KRAK... KRAK... KRAK... KRAK... KRAK... KRAK... The first three discharges missed the target entirely, and the last three struck low-scoring regions on the target. "3 HITS; OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING 15%" the computer droned. "Damn!" Shasti said. "Quite a kick on this thing!" "Ouch!" Deirdre cringed at the low score. "Looks like you need a little more practice, partner." Shasti ignored this remark. "Initiate second scoring run!" she called to the computer. Deirdre noticed that Shasti's voice seemed to be changing. It had lost the sweetness it had when Deirdre and Shasti had first met. It was harsher, almost raspy, with a rather violent undertone to it. "NEW TARGET?" the computer requested. "Negative!" Shasti said, her voice very acid now. There almost seemed to be a different person aiming at the target. Since Shasti had requested that the target not be replaced, the computer now scanned the original one, recording where the previous round's bursts had hit. Following this, a tone sounded to indicate the computer was ready for the next run. KRAK... KRAK... KRAK... KRAK... KRAK... KRAK... Deirdre's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Had she been carrying anything in her hands it would have clattered to the floor, as she just stared and stared. "Score report, please?" Shasti said, her voice a little more relaxed. "6 HITS; ALL IN MAXIMUM ZONE; OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING 100%." "Now *that's* more like it!" she smiled. "What do you think, Deirdre? ... Deirdre?" Deirdre was still staring dumbly at the target. Shasti waved a hand in front of her face, but didn't get any response. "Deirdre, are you all right?" The soft sweetness had returned to Shasti's voice. She shook Deirdre gently. "Deirdre??" Deirdre finally found her voice: "I... I thought you said you never, like, fired one of those guns before!" "That's right," Shasti said, looking confused. Deirdre stared at her in disbelief. "Y-y-you, like, went from fifteen to, like, a-absolute perfect in, like, *one round*! H-how... how did... did you, like..." Shasti glanced at the target. "Oh, I guess I just have a knack for these things!" she said, sounding very happy. "Now, are you all right?" "Uh, yeah, I'm... I'm fine," Deirdre managed to say. She straightened herself up, reactivating her weapon for the next round of firing. But only half her concentration was on her own scoring now. she thought. -- END CHAPTER TWO -- ------------- CHAPTER THREE ------------- > A.D. 213509.28; 21:27:00 > Kahm's Planet, Northern Continent, New Hergaberd City [Fade in on a cold, starry night above the sea of electricity which is New Hergaberd City. Dissolve to a large, hi-tech outdoor plaza, crowded with pedestrians. We move through the crowd, finally arriving at a large, illuminated fountain surrounded by metal benches. We move closer to one of the benches, which is occupied by two Trouble Consultants, DARRYN and RUMIKO. Darryn, dressed for winter, appears quite relaxed, while Rumiko, wearing only a standard uniform, is shivering and doesn't seem too thrilled to be in this place at the moment...] RUMIKO Damn it all, Darryn, we've been sitting here for almost fifteen minutes now! They should have been here ten minutes ago! DARRYN [looking at his watch] Wrong, Rumiko. It's 21:27 now. They should be arriving in another minute or so. RUMIKO Wha--?! You said they were coming at twenty-one TWENTY!! DARRYN Because I wanted to be sure that, for once, we'd be ahead of schedule, instead of this "seconds-to-spare" crap we've been doing lately. I thought you'd have had the sense to put on some more clothes before we came out here. You could have at least worn a polymer. RUMIKO [flatly] Body condoms are NOT my style, Darryn. Besides, I thought we were only going to be out here for a couple minutes. DARRYN Rumiko, I've told you before. That Yamashita skin of yours is only an efficient antithermal for about five minutes. You should never-- [Rumiko shoves a hand in his face to shut him up.] RUMIKO [angry] I know my own body, for God's sake! DARRYN [sarcastic] Sorry, but after five years I haven't seen much improvement. RUMIKO ...... [She slouches down on the bench, fuming...] If I catch cold, I'm going to make life very difficult for you, Darryn Paxton. [Darryn looks her in the eye and presses a finger against her nose.] DARRYN Yamashita upgrades can't catch colds, and you have already made a normal existence impossible for me, Rumiko Onnahito. [She tries to bite his finger off, but he pulls away and starts concentrating on his watch. She glares at him for awhile, then goes back to sulking, trying to beat the cold by wrapping her arms around her body. Darryn sits quietly, occasionally looking around for whoever is coming to meet them. Rumiko looks at him for a long time, thinking...] RUMIKO Hey, Mr. Serious! DARRYN [sarcastic] Yes, my lady? RUMIKO You've been acting like this ever since you talked with HQ today. What's the problem? We already know these guys aren't gonna talk, so all we have to do now is waste 'em all. [She pauses, considering...] We *are* still on this case, aren't we? DARRYN Oh, yes. We're still on, and you'll get plenty of live targets to shoot at. Don't worry about that. RUMIKO So what is it? What do you know that I don't? [Darryn spots something in the crowd. He stands up.] DARRYN It's not what I know. It's whatever *they* know. [He points to two figures clad in winter coats approaching their location, and starts waving at them. As they step closer to the fountain, we see that it is Shasti and Deirdre approaching.] DARRYN Good evening, ladies. I'm Darryn, and this is Rumiko. T.C. Team #215-N, the NightRiders. SHASTI Good evening. Shasti, and Deirdre, Provisional T.C. Team #101-E, codename Ultimas. [She notices Rumiko shivering; Very innocently...] My goodness! Aren't you *cold* standing out here like that?? RUMIKO [fire in her eyes] .......... [Darryn stifles a laugh, and Deirdre quickly shifts the subject...] DEIRDRE Uh, like, what do you say we get indoors? It *is* pretty cold out here, y'know. DARRYN Good idea. [They leave the plaza together.] > 21:40:00 [Cut to the hotel room in which the NightRiders are staying. Rumiko is sitting on one of the beds, wrapped in a blanket. Shasti and the others sit close by, as Shasti explains orders from above...] SHASTI ...and so we've been ordered to accompany you and assist in the completion of your mission, for purposes of gaining field experience. RUMIKO But why? I know you're provisionals and all, but rookies don't need vets to lean on, and especially for something like this! DARRYN I agree with Rumiko. This mission is much too low-key to warrant four Trouble Consultants, even if this *is* your very first assignment. SHASTI Look, I realize this is definitely not normal, but it's what the Central Computer wants us to do. DEIRDRE That's right. The orders came direct from the CC, and so it'll be in our best interests to follow them. RUMIKO [unconvinced] Listen, I've been a full T.C. with the 3WA for five years now, and in all that time I have *never* heard of a rookie team getting field experience by following veterans around. SHASTI I'm sure the Central Computer knows what it's doing. And I say again that it will probably be to our collective advantage to work this way. DEIRDRE Yeah. I mean, it'll make things move that much faster. RUMIKO [getting up] Sorry, but as far as I'm concerned, four's a crowd. [She leaves the room, and we hear the sound of an opening refrigerator.] DEIRDRE [to Darryn] Is she all right? DARRYN Oh, she's fine. She just doesn't like to do things that "aren't the correct procedure." Me, I'm a little more open to new ideas, and I'm willing to go along with whatever the Central Computer wants to try out. DEIRDRE So you'll let us work with you then? DARRYN Yes, on the condition that you follow whatever orders we give you. After all, you *are* Provisionals. SHASTI Of course. DARRYN [standing] Good. We're moving out at twenty-three forty, so you have until then to make whatever preparations you need to make. [Shasti and Deirdre stand.] SHASTI Twenty-three forty, then. [They shake hands. From the other room Rumiko, holding a glass of chocolate mousse, observes them thoughtfully...] > 23:49:00 [Cut to a poorly lit sector on the outskirts of town. A black hovercar moves up the street, towards a large warehouse. After a while, the vehicle's lights and thrusters deactivate, and it coasts silently toward the building. Cut to the vehicle's interior. Darryn is at the wheel, and Rumiko monitors various instruments as Shasti and Deirdre look on. All are dressed in black antithermal bodysuits.] RUMIKO [softly] Switching to infrared. [The screens offer a clear image of the warm building.] Let's see... only a few guards out front... doesn't look like a very impressive defense framework from this angle. DEIRDRE It doesn't fit. From what I gathered reading the datafiles on this group, they have a lot more security firepower than what I'm seeing here. SHASTI Quite right, partner. Ten to one there's much more to this than meets the eye. RUMIKO [a little irritated] Well it *would* make sense that they would want to keep a low profile on their weapons strength. Make their enemies underestimate their capability! SHASTI Which is exactly what we may do if we base our strength estimates on just this. We need more information that just an infrared scan. RUMIKO [more irritated] I'm *well* aware of that, Miss Know-it-all! [Angry, she begins entering a command sequence into the computer, which responds with a syntax error message.] SHASTI [mechanically] You forgot to specify your scan type. RUMIKO (thought) [She tries to enter the sequence again, and this time gets an INVALID PARAMETER message. Her face starts to turn red.] DEIRDRE Uh, you-- [Rumiko wheels and looks her right in the eye.] RUMIKO [acidic] *Don't*... say it...! [She goes back to the computer, and this time the sequence is correctly entered. Deirdre looks at Shasti as if to say "What did I say??", and Shasti shrugs.] [Cut to outside. Using only its magnetic fields, the hovercar silently brakes to a stop and settles to the ground, across from the warehouse, which is surrounded by a vicious-looking fence. Four shadowy figures, carrying a small arsenal, disembark from the hovercraft and run across the street, to the fence, where they huddle together and whisper.] DARRYN So, what are your estimates? RUMIKO Well, for starters, this fence is electrified, at least a couple megavolts running through it. I picked up about six antipersonnel lasers on the building, probably with IFF protocol and infrared sensing. There's four guards at the front gates, all with AK-297s. Not a hell of a lot, all things considered. SHASTI Still, that fails to take into consideration what may not be visible to our scanning systems at the moment. I'm quite certain there's hidden sensors all over the place. [Rumiko is ready to snap at Shasti, but Darryn stops her.] DARRYN Rumiko! She *is* right about that. And seeing as how we *do* have four bodies here instead of two, I think a little internal information- gathering is in order. Seems this new training idea really was a good one. RUMIKO [uninterested] So, what do you propose to do? DARRYN I'll go in alone from here and-- RUMIKO By yourself? You'll need support! DARRYN [patiently] No, it'll be safer with just one body moving around in that sensor region. Besides, we all need to keep in touch, and the only effective way is by CyAudio. The only way everyone'll hear it is if I have you out here to relay information to Deirdre and Shasti. RUMIKO [sounding reluctant] Yes, I suppose you're right. Okay, I'll watch the kids. DEIRDRE & SHASTI ........ DARRYN Good. Now, let's get moving. [He activates a small LaserDagger and slices through the fence, carefully avoiding alarm wires at various levels. Finally, using his rubber boots as insulators, he pushes the fence inward enough to allow passage. With seemingly no effort, and in total silence, he slides through, much to Deirdre's amazement. Once on the other side he pauses, apparently in a state of meditation. Rumiko suddenly adopts a similar attitude for a few seconds.] RUMIKO Okay, I'm online. DARRYN Head for the front gate. When the power goes down, shoot anything that moves. [Rumiko gently cocks her bazooka into READY position, smiling.] RUMIKO Will do. [Darryn disappears silently into the shadows.] RUMIKO [to Deirdre & Shasti] Well, you heard the man. Let's head for the gate! SHASTI Right. I'll take the advance guard. [She moves ahead, as Deirdre and Rumiko follow.] DEIRDRE Hey, Rumiko. How did he get in there so quiet-like? RUMIKO Darryn's a ninja. DEIRDRE Kuan Yin Ninjutsu Package? RUMIKO No, no. No wetware. He's a master ninja on his own, all natural! DEIRDRE Are you serious?? RUMIKO No joke! He's been one ever since he was real young; twelve or something like that. The 3WA scouted him when he was sixteen or so, and we met during training. DEIRDRE You're a ninja too? RUMIKO Softwired. I've got the Kuan Yin Package. But... [She pats her bazooka.] ...I'd rather make a lot of noise than sneak around. DEIRDRE ...... [By this time Shasti has arrived at the main gate, and is intently looking around for signs of movement. She motions to Deirdre and Rumiko that the area is clear. As they approach, Rumiko suddenly pauses...] DEIRDRE What is it? RUMIKO Darryn... [She closes her eyes, listening to something. After a couple seconds she nods, smiling a little.] O-kay... [She concentrates for a few more seconds, then joins Deirdre and Shasti at the gate.] SHASTI What was that all about? RUMIKO That was Darryn. DEIRDRE Huh? Where was y-- Ah, you must have a CyAudio Link! RUMIKO Yep. Real handy when you want to talk in total silence. SHASTI The way you have to stop and listen like that... seems to me that would become rather conspicuous. RUMIKO Not when you're crawling around where nobody can see you. And besides, I don't have to stop everything I'm doing to hear what he's saying. [slight pause] Anyway, Darryn said he was getting close to the power generators. When he takes them out, that should kill the fence, the sensors, and the lasers. Then all we have to do is blow these clowns to hell! DEIRDRE Sounds easy enough. SHASTI ... [Rumiko listens to the voice in her head again.] RUMIKO [double-checking her weapons] He's almost there... Get ready... [Shasti and Deirdre back up as Rumiko aims her bazooka at the gate. Rumiko's eyes are locked into her gunsight as they wait......] [Suddenly the sound of a small explosion within the building is heard. The lights dim slightly, and the fence abruptly stops humming.] RUMIKO [loudly] PARTY TIME!!! [She fires her bazooka into the gate, blowing it to smithereens. The three charge through the smoke and into the complex. Rumiko quickly looks around once they are clear of the entrance.] RUMIKO Looks like we really caught 'em off guard! We've gotta get inside and wrap this up QUICK!! Darryn'll be outgunned by himself in there! SHASTI [acidic voice] Right! Let's head for the central plant! [Rumiko notes Shasti's sudden voice change, but doesn't have time to think about it, as she barely avoids being fried by a beam from one of the outside lasers.] RUMIKO Shit! The lasers are still live!! [She backflips and rolls across the ground, avoiding several blasts from the lasers. Deirdre takes aim at one of them and fires, but her shots have no effect.] SHASTI [dodging a laserblast] Save it, Deirdre! It'll take heavy weaponry to knock those out! RUMIKO Right! That's my department! [She fires a shell from her bazooka, taking out one laser and temporarily distracting those close by.] You two get your butts inside! Darryn needs help!! SHASTI We're on our way! Deirdre!! [Shasti and Deirdre charge into the building. The first guards rush to meet them...] GUARD #1 Goddamn 3WA!! GUARD #2 You DIE, you f---ing BIMBOS!!! [They start firing, and Shasti and Deirdre retaliate... Cut to outside. Rumiko is still in a dogfight with the outer defenses, which she has reduced to three lasers. One of the lasers hits Rumiko on her right shoulder...] RUMIKO AAAAH! GOD DAMN IT!! [She releases a salvo of shells in rapid succession across the length of the warehouse, destroying all the remaining lasers. As she relaxes a little, pain sears through her right arm. She quickly drops her heavy weapon, which alleviates some of the pain. Activating her sidearm, and keeping her right arm as still as possible, she charges into the building.] RUMIKO (CyAudio) [Cut to the damaged generator room. Darryn is kicking the hell out of his enemies in classic Ninja fashion. He hears Rumiko's message but has no time to answer, as he is forced to retreat from a simultaneous attack by four of the larger thugs. He finds himself getting pinned into a corner.] DARRYN (thought) [looking around] (CyAudio) [Out of options, he prepares for a full-on fight, when suddenly a loud female scream is heard from the other end of the room...] VOICE GET DOWN!!! [Cut to Rumiko charging through the corridors of the building. She passes dozens of dead bodies, and the wreckage of some heavy weaponry. She realizes Shasti was right about their potential, but she doesn't think about this for long, as the sound of extensive gunfire is heard ahead of her.] RUMIKO (thought) [She heads for the sound. By the time she arrives, however, the shooting has stopped. One of the big cymech guards, red coolant gushing from the stump of a severed arm, staggers out of the room on damaged legs. Rumiko quickly takes aim, but before she can fire, another shot rings out and the guard's head is blown apart. As the mech collapses to the ground, Rumiko sees Shasti behind it, her gun still aimed at where its head had been. With an eloquent twirling motion Shasti restores her gun to its holster.] SHASTI [a vicious smile on her face] Mission accomplished! [Rumiko stares in disbelief at the carnage within.] SHASTI I think we'd best get in contact with the Hergaberd P.D. They'll need to sort through this mess. [Rumiko spies Darryn walking towards them.] RUMIKO Darryn!! Are you all right? DARRYN I'm fine. [looking around] But where's Deirdre? ALL Deirdre? Deirdre!! [We hear a slight groan, as Deirdre crawls out from under the body of a Cymech, which obviously fell on her.] DEIRDRE [a little dazed] Oooohhh... Goddd... [She shakes her head vigorously.] Hey, Shasti, remind me never to shoot a Cymech at pointblank range again. [As Rumiko relaxes, now that everyone is accounted for, the pain returns to her shoulder, but this time it's really strong, and she clutches her arm...] SHASTI [more innocent voice] Oh, my! Rumiko, you're hurt! RUMIKO [through gritted teeth] No, really... What was your first clue...?!? DARRYN Laserburn? [Rumiko nods, trying to stay upright.] Shasti! You call the H.P.D.! Deirdre, get the medkit out of the car! SHASTI Right! DEIRDRE Got it! [They leave. Darryn leads Rumiko over to some machinery low enough for her to sit on. Rumiko cringes as he undoes the top portion of her bodysuit, removing the clothing closest to the wound, which looks like a cross between a very bad cut and a severe burn.] DARRYN Laserburn, all right. Fortunately just a flesh wound; a little BioSeal'll clean that right up. No serious damage. [Rumiko seems to relax a little on hearing this news.] RUMIKO Hey, partner. Tell me something. Were you in this area the whole time? DARRYN Pretty much. Soon as the generator was down they came running. I thought it would knock out the lasers too, but obviously it didn't. RUMIKO So you didn't kill anybody outside here? DARRYN [a little confused] No. Why? RUMIKO Because I didn't get a chance to kill anybody out here. DARRYN You're saying they killed everything between here and wherever you were? RUMIKO Main entrance. That's right. DARRYN [impressed] Whew! Not bad, though I guess I shouldn't be surprised after what I just saw. RUMIKO What do you mean? DARRYN I mean that out of the 38 or so people that were in that room, I only knocked out five of them. RUMIKO They got all the rest?? DARRYN Yes, you should've seen it! Shasti mowed them down like they were standing still. It was really something to watch. RUMIKO ......... [Sirens sound in the distance, as Deirdre comes running back.] DEIRDRE Medkit! [Darryn quickly grabs the kit. He takes out a disinfectant sprayer and pre-treats the ugly burn mark on Rumiko's shoulder. Rumiko cringes a little; this is not pain-free. Darryn then opens one of the BioSeal containers. As he shapes the lime green gelatinous substance, Rumiko braces herself; obviously this isn't pain-free, either...] DARRYN I'm going to have to get this as far into the wound as I can, and I won't lie to you: it's gonna hurt like hell. RUMIKO [trying to relax] I know, partner. Do what you gotta do. [Darryn takes a deep breath, then shoves the BioSeal against her shoulder, pressing it deep into the wound.] RUMIKO GHAAAAAHH!!!! [Deirdre cringes, as Darryn holds the writhing Rumiko in place. The sirens abruptly cease as the police arrive. As Rumiko's pain finally begins to subside, she slumps forward into Darryn's arms, tears streaming involuntarily from her eyes. Darryn gently picks her up.] DARRYN [softly] You did good, partner. Let's get out of here. DEIRDRE [to Darryn] You want me to bring the car a little closer? [Darryn nods approval and tosses Deirdre the keycard. We follow them as they reach the main entryway, facing a sea of flashing red and blue lights from the police and medical craft. Shasti, who has been speaking with some of the police officials, sees them coming and quickly rushes over, followed by the Chief.] SHASTI [sounding worried] How is she? DARRYN She'll be fine. Just a flesh laserburn; Nothing an E-R BioSculpt can't fix. [Deirdre runs off to get the car, as the conversation continues...] CHIEF [surveying the closest destruction] Pretty big mess you made here... the Coroners are going to *love* this one. SHASTI Well, it is true that you requested a full neutralization of this facility if the users proved uncooperative, is it not? CHIEF Yeah, this is what we wanted. I'm not complaining. I'm glad these filthy bastards are finally history. [Rumiko groans. This does not go unnoticed...] CHIEF Are you sure she's all right? DARRYN Well, the sooner we get her to a hospital, the better off we'll all be. [As if on cue, the black hovercar, the letters 'WWWA' clearly visible on the side now, floats over the group of police vehicles, landing in front of them. The doors swing open and Deirdre pops out.] DEIRDRE I set up the emergency stretcher for you. DARRYN Good. [to Rumiko] Now let's get you to a hospital. [The Chief follows them over to their car.] CHIEF Thanks again for your help. DARRYN Anytime! [The door swings shut and the car jets upward, flying away from the remains of the building, back toward the city...] > A.D. 213509.29; 09:00:00 > New Hergaberd Spaceport [The two teams of Trouble Consultants walk to their respective spaceships. All are in standard uniforms. Rumiko's shoulder has been repaired, showing no evidence of any damage.] DARRYN Well, ladies, congratulations on a successful mission. SHASTI [sweetly] Why, thank you so much, Darryn! Glad we could be of help! DARRYN That's an understatement. You probably saved my life back there! I plan on letting Operations know that this training proposal was quite successful. I think the vets learned something from the rookies! RUMIKO ...... SHASTI Well, let's not keep anyone waiting to take off. See you back at Elenore! DARRYN See you there! [Darryn and Rumiko disappear into their vessel, the _Intruder_, and Shasti and Deirdre head for their ship, the _Avatar_...] SHASTI [businesslike] Well, I must say, aside from what happened to Rumiko, that was a superbly executed mission. I think Operations will be quite satisfied with our performance! DEIRDRE [sounding unattentive] Yeah. SHASTI [concerned] Are you all right, Deirdre? Did you get enough sleep last night? DEIRDRE [straightening up] Oh, I'm fine. No problems. [They board the _Avatar_. Deirdre cyber-interfaces with the flight controls and preps the ship for takeoff.] DEIRDRE (thought) [As th_Avatar_ rockets into the sky, fade to black...] -- END CHAPTER THREE -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- == INTERLUDE: DATA FILE #1 == ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The following transmittal occurred on a HyperDYNIX Galactic Internet Server System [HyperDYNIX v9.1.2, Copyright (c) 2133 Sequent Computer Technologies, Incorporated]... *********************************************************************** Received> 213502.16@17:00:00 by Usenet@terra To> Usenet@terra Sender> Sysop@publicDocs.elenore.admin.WWWA In_Reply_To> your request for information dated [213502.15@12:00:23] Subject> Chronological and Historical DataFiles Message_ID> public592876.21350215.120023 Summary> Data file for benefit of those unfamiliar with the UG and/or the WWWA Classification> Public, Open Folder Comments> This material is considered public and may be freely distributed, on the condition that no alteration of the material takes place. This reply has been generated by the WWWA P-D Sysop A.I. in response to your request for information. Again, the material contained herein is considered public and freely distributable, but should not be altered without the consent of WWWA Administration. [ Additional Comments: ] [ - This data file reflects events as they will have occurred in ] [ the Smith & Warren version of the Dirty Pair universe. ] [ However, due to chronological conflicts with the original books] [ and movies, some of these dates are "best guesses," in attempt ] [ to remain loyal to the Smith and Warren version. Please notify] [ the author if more accurate information is obtained. ] ======================================================================= Section One: A Brief Chronology of the United Galactica ------------ [ This data was compiled using CD-ROM data discs from the UG Archive ] [ Depository Library on Planet Kurosawa-3. Special thanks to WWWA ] [ Administration Director Alexi Saito for ] [ her assistance in the retrieval of this data... ] 2111 - The first practical warp drives are developed, marking the beginning of humankind's expansion into space 2115 - The Planetary Federation, the first galactic government, is formed, along with the Federation Star Force 2116 - Planet Rocinante declares its independence from the Federation, becoming an entirely independent entity 212x - The Planetary Federation reforms into the United Galactica, and the FSF is renamed the United Galactica Space Force. Rocinante maintains its independence despite pressures from the UG/FR (United Galactica/Free Rocinante) terrorist group to enter the United Galactica (and become subject to its restrictions on commerce) 2130 01.05- The WWWA is created in response to the growing presence of potential threats to the furthering of humanity's interests. (The Kuraretta Trinary Star Incident is the largest factor in the corporation's genesis, but the actions of the UG/FR are also a major consideration.) 01.06- Alexi Saito is appointed Director of Administration. 01.07- Jeff Ayoob is appointed Director of Operations. 01.12- The Central Computer is activated. 02.15- The WWWA becomes an independent security corporation, receiving several privileges and powers, and quickly proves itself a very important agency in the furthering of humanity's welfare. 03.01- The Central Computer's brain matrices are upgraded to their current level of efficiency. Following this, the Computer is given full executive authority in the corporation. 2131 - The Grumman-Traeger terraforming process is perfected, increasing the rate of humankind's expansion into the galaxy. 2135 - PRESENT DAY (*) (*) In the Dirty Pair stories, present day is 2141. -- End Section -- Section Two: About the WWWA ------------ [ The following data is compiled from documents contained in WWWA ] [ Public Document Folder #IS-B-001: "WWWA Basics". Additional ] [ source material has been paraphrased from Haruka Takachiho's ] [ "Great Adventures of Dirty Pair," published by Kodansha English ] [ Library, a Terran translation agency... ] [ Compilation dated 213502.05 (February 5, 2135) ] >> from Document #IS-B-001.01: "Background" > All things considered, the human race has made very rapid progress in the few short years since warp drive technology was invented and perfected. As of the year 2135, the entire Milky Way galaxy has been occupied by human colonials, inhabiting approximately 2,780 solar systems. Again, this is spectacular progress for only 24 years of expansion, and various sources refer to this event as a "manifestation of the lifeforce of our species." Of the several thousand inhabited planets in the galaxy, most possessed environments suitable for colonization to begin with. Since the perfection of the terraforming processes in 2131, however, more and more planets have been made inhabitable. Overcrowding has been eliminated on most planets and space stations thanks to this perfection. Political analysts have projected that eventually some solar systems will terraform all their planets. With this accomplished, an even higher form of government may evolve, perhaps a solar state. Also noteworthy is our progress in biotechnical and genetic engineering, which has allowed humanity to reshape itself into a much hardier lifeform. All this progress and advancement might easily lead one to believe that the universe has welcomed humanity's advance with open arms. Far from it. We do not control the universe; it has only allowed us a slightly stronger foothold. Keep in context that we are only one galaxy in a small galactic group, in an ever-expanding vacuum of God knows what size. It would be more appropriate to say that the universe has "given humankind a small chance," and we have somehow managed to make good on that chance. It would be foolish to believe that such a chance for survival would come without trials and obstacles, and there have been plenty of those. Some are biological, some are acts of nature (such as black holes or large space currents), but most often the problems are disputes among ourselves which escalate into a conflict which puts the fate of our entire race on the line. In the first years of expansion, there weren't many of these disasters. Certainly there were events which might do damage, but said damage was always limited, not a threat to our species as a whole. The Kuraretta Trinary Star Incident of 2129, however, changed all that. Nowadays the incident has lost some of its significance, but in 2129 it rocked the United Galactica to its very foundations. What was truly significant about Kuraretta is that the planetary leaders finally realized that a problem, left unchecked, could escalate into something which could bring our entire species to an horrific end. Such was the rationale for the founding of a security corporation in the year 2130, known as the Worlds Welfare Work Association. The most basic function of the Worlds Welfare Work Association, or WWWA, is the recruitment, training, and dispatch of people qualified to respond to any and all kinds of problems which could potentially represent a direct threat to humanity. The WWWA is called a security corporation, but its function goes well beyond that. The WWWA is an unique organization within the United Galactica, for the fact that it possesses many more privileges than a galactic corporation is usually entitled to. For example, WWWA agents, known as "Trouble Consultants," have total freedom of movement on any planet which is a member of the United Galactica, and have full authority to pursue investigations independent of the local planetary police authorities. Further, when use of force is required, Trouble Consultants are authorized to use any type of weapon they consider appropriate. (It is worth mentioning here that WWWA officials must obtain permission before entering an independent state such as Rocinante, but once this permission is given, all aforementioned freedoms apply.) Despite all the privileges and power the WWWA wields, it is not -- I repeat, NOT -- a special police force or a military force. Standard police work is handled by local planetary authorities, and the United Galactica has its own Space Force. It would be redundant to have the WWWA function as a military agency. The WWWA, in final analysis, always functions for the preservation of humanity's interests. In short, its welfare. Hence the word "welfare" in the WWWA's name. The WWWA does not enter into a problem unless local authorities find themselves unable to deal with it for whatever reasons. (However, if the Central Computer decides on its own that a problem is a sufficient threat, it will automatically dispatch assistance without waiting for a government to petition.) >> from Document #IS-B-001.02: "WWWA Hierarchy, Unclassified Edition" > The WWWA is composed of two divisions, Administration and Operations. Administration serves as the brain complex of the corporation itself, handling public relations and inquiries. This also includes fielding petitions for assistance from various sources, and making initial responses to those petitions. Most petitions received are generated by the planetary governments. Typically a petition is not brought before the WWWA unless both local police and government authorities find themselves completely unable to deal with a situation. WWWA assistance is not given lightly. Operations is the real driving power of the WWWA. It is this division which is responsible for the training, assignment, and dispatch of the WWWA's agents, the Trouble Consultants. Operations houses facilities ranging from economic analysis mainframes, to biotechnical engineering systems, to weapons and vehicular training systems. If Administration is considered the corporation's brain, then Operations should be considered its body. In most situations, Operations serves as, for lack of a better term, a tactical advisor to Administration, especially concerning missions which might require the use of violence. Operations is often incorrectly believed to be the controlling body of the WWWA. In fact Administration has authority to question any action taken by Operations, and the Central Computer has authority over both departments, in a system of checks and balances akin to that seen on pre-expansion Terra in the 20th Century. The petitioning process, in simplified fashion, operates as follows: a petition received by Administration is entered into the Central Computer's incoming databanks by Administration officials. Once the petition has been acknowledged by the Central Computer, a pre- investigation search is initiated, in which any and all relevant data associated with the incident in question is gathered. If the situation does in fact warrant assistance, the Central Computer will forward an approval notice to the appropriate party or parties. Once the Computer has authorized investigation, it scans the rosters of Trouble Consultants (of which there are several thousand in the WWWA's employ) for agents with abilities most suited to the handling of the particular situation. Agents with appropriate abilities are identified in the order of their current "class standby" situation, which reflects their current level of availability and readiness. Normally, only agents who are on A- B- or C-class standby are considered; the D- E- and F-class standbys are not approached unless the Computer sees no other feasible alternatives. In addition, agents who have had less than the mandatory 100 standard hours leave time since a previous assignment are not considered except in extreme emergencies. Any selected agent has the right to refuse an assignment, without penalty, provided the reason for refusal is a sound one. On the occasions when an assignment is refused, the selection program goes to the next highest qualified agent or agents for the job. Obviously this can result in the dispatch of agents who are not the best qualified. However, there is method to this system: it is believed that it is much better to send in agents who are rested and ready for action than those who, for whatever reasons, are not operating at maximum potential. Better to compromise than push the number one agents too hard and risk losing them. Usually, one team of two Trouble Consultants is selected. With this selection made, the agents are given briefing datafiles (or are briefed in person, depending on their location in the galaxy), and dispatched to the trouble area. From this point, the case is in the hands of the agents, and remains as such until the problem is solved or the agents have been incapacitated. >> from Document #IS-B-001.06: "Trouble Consultants: the Cutting Edge" > Even in this age of genetic engineering, where everyone could have a perfect body if they really wanted to, the WWWA Trouble Consultant is still a cut above the rest. Certainly, nearly every agent of the WWWA has participated in one upgrading program or another, but even without that consideration, T.C.s are still considered an elite group. Not just anyone can be a Trouble Consultant; there is no standard application process for employment. In fact, the WWWA itself seeks out individuals from across the galaxy who possess innate abilities that the Central Computer deems useful. The Central Computer spends a great deal of time scanning the galaxy-wide Information Network for data on qualified humans. Once potential T.C.s have been located, the Computer dispatches a recruiter to meet with them. If the invitation is accepted, the recruits are taken to one of several WWWA Training Complexes. Here, their genetic map is entered into the computer banks, and they are then subjected to an intense battery of training courses, the sum of which take approximately one standard year to complete. It is considered normal for agents to not pass some of the courses, since it assists in defining what abilities come easily for them. Based on what courses are successfully completed, agents are classified into whatever line of T.C. work would benefit most from their abilities. In addition, agents may partially modify their qualifications through wetware implants. This allows them greater range in their problem-solving abilities. But of course wetware, like all cybernetics, can have an effect on the human mental state if used to excess. Consequently most agents take little more than the standard wetware package for their department, and usually only enhance the chips that came with the package. Further, many enhancements outside of the standard package occur at the agent's own expense, which is all the more reason to develop natural ability with the skill or skills in question. (In some instances, the Central Computer will order special wetware enhancements -- with the consent of the agent in question, of course -- for T.C.s which it believes would benefit heavily from such enhancement.) Following completion of training, a provisional license is issued for a one to two standard month period, in which the agents demonstrate their capability by carrying out actual assignments. If their performance is considered adequate for continuation, the Central Computer authorizes the Director of Operations to issue "full-fledged" licenses, after which the licensees become true Trouble Consultants. A Trouble Consultant team's code name is usually taken from the name of their spaceship. For example, the Trouble Consultants piloting the ship "Lovely Angel" would take on the code name "Lovely Angels." Agents are, of course, free to select a different code name if they so desire. (An example of this is Trouble Consultant Team #215-N: their ship is named "Intruder," but they have adopted the code name "NightRiders.") Such name selection is nearly always a matter of personal taste on the part of the agents, which of course is perfectly all right. Many people think of Trouble Consultants as being "all alike." Genetically and realistically this is not true. For starters, not every Trouble Consultant is from the Lucien program, as some rumors have stated. The WWWA employs an even mix of Luciens, Osics, Intels, Yamashitas, and all the other authorized genetic programs. Realistically, the diverse types of ability make it quite impossible to consider the entire complement as "alike." It is important to remember that some agents are more suited to a job than others. The more obvious example of this is seen by comparing economic Trouble Consultants to criminal Trouble Consultants. Within each branch of the T.C. hierarchy, there are specialists and all sorts of variations on the basic standards for a T.C., and since no two upgrades are created exactly alike (in accordance with United Galactica laws concerning genetic engineering), the physical diversity of humanity is also maintained. Even with our enhancement technology, it is doubtful that any two people will ever be exactly alike, and that is good. Humanity cannot survive without diversity, and though the physical differences are less obvious they are still there. With the WWWA as a shield, humanity's progress will continue... -- End Section -- == REFERENCE LIST == [ This bibliography has been compiled in compliance with Terran and ] [ United Galactica laws concerning the use of copyrighted material. ] [ The following works have been cited: ] > Takachiho, Haruka. (1980, 1987). "Dirty Pair no Daiboken". English version, "Great Adventures of Dirty Pair", translated by David Lewis. Kodansha English Library. Tokyo. Japan. Earth. > WWWA [various authors]. (2132). "WWWA Basics" compilation. WWWA Public Affairs Administration Information Bureau. Worlds Welfare Work Association Documents Processor. Elenore City. Elenore. > Smith, Toren & Warren, Adam. (1990, 1991). "Dirty Pair II: Dangerous Acquaintances", and "Dirty Pair III: A Plague of Angels". Eclipse Comics. Forestville, California. United States. Earth. >> Additional data compiled from the UG Archives Dept. of the United Galactica Depository Library on Kurosawa-3. [Special thanks to Alexi Saito for her assistance.] >> Special thanks to all the A.I.s and WWWA officials who made this datafile possible. ********************************************************************** END DATA < All data inquiries and replies should be transmitted to: or to: Thank you for your time and interest. - PD Sysop ====================================================================== ** END FILE #1 ** ====================================================================== ------------ CHAPTER FOUR ------------ > A.D. 213510.04; 10:16:31 > WWWA Operations Complex, Training Center #5 Shasti and Darryn watched intently from one side of the mat as Rumiko and Deirdre went after each other with rapid volleys of jabs and kicks. Deirdre fought well, but it was obvious who had the greater knowledge of the martial arts, and soon she was knocked to the floor by a foot sweep. "Hmph!" Rumiko quipped. "You forgot to concentrate on your opponent as a whole, of what each part of him is doing." The sarcasm in her voice was obvious; she was still miffed from the events of the New Hergaberd incident. "Hey, lay off, Rumiko," Darryn said, standing up. "That was uncalled for. What's your problem?" Rumiko did not answer, but kept her attention on Deirdre, who by this time had gotten to her feet, breathing heavily. "Okay, that's enough for me. You win, Rumiko," she said. Deirdre's martial arts wetware was of lower complexity than Rumiko's, and Deirdre was less experienced in M/A training anyway, so she'd expected that Rumiko would get the upper hand. Still, Rumiko's gloating like that was unneeded, and annoying. "You're getting better, partner," Shasti said as Deirdre walked over and knelt beside her. "Thanks, Shasti," Deirdre replied, smiling a little. "Care for a round or two, Shasti?" Rumiko said, still sarcastic. "Certainly," Shasti answered, standing up. Something in the tone of Shasti's voice hinted that sarcasm like that wasn't going to go unnoticed. They squared off and began sparring. Rumiko went on the offensive, and Shasti kept her guard up, deflecting all the blows thrown at her. Then she ducked down and went after Rumiko with a foot sweep, but she jumped out of the way and backflipped out of Shasti's range. "Not bad!" Rumiko said after she landed. "Now let's see if you can attack, too." The sarcasm was still there. Diminished, but still there. "Here I come," Shasti said with her acidic voice. With lightning speed, Shasti charged across the mat and went after Rumiko with a rapid salvo of punches. Rumiko was startled by the ferocity of the attack and quickly raised her arms to defend herself. But her defense was not successful, and Shasti grabbed her by the arm and threw her to the mat. "Whew! Not bad!" Deirdre said, becoming aware of a small group of spectators gathering behind her. "Very nicely done!" Darryn said, very impressed by this performance. Rumiko wiped a small strand of saliva from one corner of her mouth. Her teeth were tightly clenched as she glared at Shasti, who was towering over her now. "Had enough?" That was too much for Rumiko. "All right, rookie!" she growled. "Time to show you what combat is all about!! She leaped up and went after Shasti with superfast punches and kicks, and at first Shasti found herself hard-pressed to deflect them all, but then she discovered a pattern to Rumiko's attack... As Rumiko threw another strong kick, Shasti grabbed Rumiko's leg with her left arm. Startled by the speed of Shasti's parry, Rumiko was totally unprepared for the series of jabs which struck her chest region like machine gun bullets. Shasti dropped to the floor, using her own weight as force to throw Rumiko. Rumiko crashed to the mat with a dull thud, rolled into a tight ball and clutching her stomach. Scattered applause was heard from the amazed agents who were watching the scene. Expressions such as "Wow!" and "Cool!" could also be heard. Shasti knew she had won, and relaxed. "Oh!" she said, suddenly switching back to her sweet voice. "Are you all right, Rumiko?? Did I hurt you?" Rumiko wasn't sure what was more startling, the ferocity of Shasti's attack or her sudden change to a sweet-voiced woman. The word "schizo" began wandering through her mind as she struggled to stand up. She wasn't alone, either. Deirdre had been observing these voice shifts for the past few days now, and she had always noticed that when Shasti's voice changed, there seemed to be a small gap in short-term memory, almost as though she'd forgotten what had happened a few seconds before. she wondered. While there was no law against schizoids working in the WWWA, it was technically an unwise practice, especially for criminal Trouble Consultants. Rumiko shakily got to her feet, and Darryn stood up to assist her. Shasti looked genuinely worried that she had done some damage. Darryn looked Rumiko over and said, "She'll be fine, Shasti." At this announcement, Shasti relaxed even more. She seemed genuinely relieved; that was the impression Deirdre got. "I'm glad you're on our side, Shasti," Darryn said. "That was some of the best fighting I've seen from anyone in a long time." "Why *thank* you so much, Darryn!" Shasti was all smiles now. Deirdre thought, her attention returning to her observations of Shasti. The problems and questions were piling up in her head, and for an Intel, too many unanswered questions was a dangerous situation... > A.D. 213510.05; 14:35:00 > WWWA Administration Complex, Administration Director's Office "But are you *sure* it's wise to proceed in this manner, Jeff?" Administration Director Saito queried. "Alexi, if we don't tell her, she'll figure it out on her own," Jeff said. "If she does that, she's liable to misunderstand something. This way we can be sure that the facts aren't distorted." "That's what we're concerned about," added Malsen, who was seated close by. "Undistorted facts might prove dangerous if made public." "Ted. Alexi," Ayoob sighed. "I personally spoke with the CC on this matter. He advised me to release the information to her as is, undistorted. Ask him yourself if you don't believe me. "And before you get the wrong idea," he continued, noticing Malsen's uncomfortable shifting. "The information will remain restricted to internal WWWA systems. I know these people will not speak with anyone beyond WWWA jurisdiction. And besides, if I did release the wrong data, she'd probably see right through the front." Saito shrugged. "Personally I still have reservations, but if the CC wants to do it this way, I suppose it'd be best to go along." Malsen looked at her apprehensively, then nodded silently in agreement. "Thanks, Alexi," Ayoob smiled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have to prep some datafiles." "Talk to you later, Jeff," Saito responded. > 16:58:00 > WWWA Operations Complex, Operations Director's Office Deirdre stood by the western wall in Ayoob's office and gazed into the evening sky. The viewscreens currently offered a colorful view of Elenore's autumn foliage, as the trees surrounding WWWA Headquarters responded to the coming of the planet's winter cycle. She was looking at the scenery, but she was not really aware of it. Other things, events of the past few weeks, occupied her mind. Too many inconsistencies were present, too many problems had arisen, situations which needed to be resolved. she thought. Then she shook herself, reminded of the fact that this was no time for valley girls to be wandering around in her head. It was time to use her special abilities, the reason the WWWA had scouted her in the first place. All her senses shifted inward, as her brain began synchronizing its energies, activating portions of its mass that most humans never accessed. Her awareness became occupied exclusively by the electrical impulses which made up her thought processes. Mannerisms and impediments faded out of existence. Emotions and emotional thought patterns vanished. These and all the other unneeded synaptic processes simply stopped, completely neutralized. In her mind the small pulses of colored light arranged gradually into an orderly hierarchy, finally creating a fantastic rainbow pattern that filled her retinas. She could feel her brain pulsing within her skull, more active than most humans could ever dream of. She was ready now, and reactivated her senses. What she saw was no different in and of itself. It was the interpretation she was applying to it that would be new. Where before she would have seen a beautiful autumn forest in the evening, she now saw a stable deciduous forest ecosystem in its autumnal cycle, during the time unit of the planet's rotation which would be classified as evening at this latitude and longitude. A vastly different analysis from who in all ways was now a different person. She still answered to the name Deirdre Voxx, but this was not the Deirdre any of her friends would recognize. This Deirdre was a human computer, an entity of pure logic and minimal emotion. Already sharp-minded from her Intel engineering, this added talent increased her sentience thousands of times. There are very few completely natural, organic computers in the galaxy; one of them now stood in the office of WWWA Operations Director Ayoob, and her name was Deirdre Voxx. Her intellectual strength now rivaled even that of the Central Computer, one of the main reasons the CC sought to bring Deirdre into the ranks of the WWWA over a year ago. And now would come one of the first real tests of this power. Deirdre heard the sound of the opening door. She saw no need to turn, as it was quite obvious to her who was entering. "Hello, Director Ayoob." The voice was flat, totally emotionless and sterile, bearing no resemblance to a valley girl or even a regular Intel. "Hello, Agent Deirdre," Ayoob replied. His voice sounded a bit hesitant. From this Deirdre hypothesized that he had not expected her to address him this way, leading her to further theorize that the utilization of her computer power for a purpose such as this was also not expected. These were only assumptions, of course, not provable with available data. Further analysis was required. "Please, sit down." Silently and mechanically, Deirdre walked over and seated herself in one of the chairs in front of Ayoob's desk. The only indication of life in her expressionless face was an occasional blink to maintain the moisture ratio of her eyes. Deirdre now noticed properly for the first time that Shasti was also in the room. Apparently she had entered with Ayoob, in perfect sync with his motions, or else she had simply made no sound. her mechanical thoughts droned. "Obviously you're using your special powers," Ayoob said. "And as such you're probably not interested in receiving redundant data." "Correct," came the mechanical response. "This considered, I think all our purposes will be best served if you relay to us the data you have assimilated, and all associated theories and speculations. With this accomplished, redundancies in our downloads to you will be minimized." "Logical and appropriate," Deirdre said. "Please provide me with a cybercable and a new database file, for purposes of maximum efficiency in downloading." "Done." Ayoob opened a small drawer in his desk, removing an interface cable from its storage holster. Plugging one end into the desk console, he handed the other end to Deirdre. "There's a file with your name on it in the secondary hierarchy. Look under '101-E'." No sooner had Deirdre cyber-interfaced than the empty file was visible on the viewscreen behind Ayoob's desk. Even Ayoob was a bit taken aback by the rapidity with which Deirdre had located the directory. Instantly data rattled onto the screen, as fast as the buffers could take the input from Deirdre's whirling mind. Despite several processor delays, all the data was successfully uploaded, and Ayoob found himself looking at an intelligently prepared anaysis, mostly of external events, with some internal commentary. He plugged himself in and allowed the data to enter his mind, comparing it to the data files he had compiled and uploaded to his own memoryware. He looked up. "Seems you've already deciphered most of what I was going to tell you." "True," Deirdre replied. "Nonetheless certain avenues remain for which multiple equally valid conclusions exist, and I am currently unable to arrive at a logical conclusion." "Speculations?" Deirdre paused briefly, accessing which speculations she considered most valid. Then: "Based on my observations from the past few weeks, the most valid speculations I have arrived at are as follows. Agent Shasti is either a severe schizophrenic, or she is not human." The words were just as emotionless, spoken without consideration to others' feelings, with the same voice, yet they seemed even more heartless to Ayoob. Despite this, Shasti did not appear all that upset. In fact she seemed slightly relieved. "Mr. Ayoob," Shasti said. "If I may..." "Yes, of course. Your partner is cleared to know now," Ayoob said, looking at Deirdre. "There will be no more partial truths." Shasti and Deirdre rotated their chairs to face each other, and now both of them had adopted similar emotionless expressions. Shasti spoke with a mechanical voice, very much like Deirdre's now, and Ayoob felt as though he was watching two computers converse with one another. "Your second speculation is the most correct, Deirdre," Shasti began. "I am not human. I am a bioroid, base-pattern Type V Osic engineering design, code number one zero one E." She turned to Ayoob. "Sir, if you have the databoards..." Ayoob had anticipated this and already had the information on the desk. He handed the boards to Deirdre. "These files contain a full profile on Shasti's construction," he said. "I believe most of the questions you have will be answered herein." Deirdre scrutinized the glowing information, reading portions of it aloud. "...neurally hardwired reflex boosting ... hardwired black-level martial arts ... Type I WarDrug glands, very impressive ... Tetrad A/P Neural Net also--" This last fact gave her pause, and she addressed Ayoob about it: "I was under the impression that Tetrad A/P systems were not a stable means of operation, prone to control losses." "A possibility, but highly unlikely," Ayoob said. "Shasti has had diagnostics performed on her on several occasions, and she has checked out as fully stable every time. Her four personalities are direct-slaved to a central metaprogram. They are incapable of switching without direct input from the core, and the core will not authorize switching unless a different personality is better suited to a situation. In other words, she is quite stable." "This all fits," Deirdre nodded slightly. "It explains all of your behavior over the past few weeks, with one exception, Mr. Ayoob." "And that is?" "Why was I not informed of the true nature of my partner in the first place? You know how I dislike the withholding of information." (Was there a slight hint of anger in that emotionless voice? Ayoob couldn't be certain, but he decided it would be best not to press the issue.) "The reason the information was withheld," Ayoob said slowly. "Was so that I could be reasonably certain that your initial assessments of Shasti's performance would not reflect that she was a bioroid. My main intention was to see if she could effectively 'pass for human,' and she obviously did." "Quite true," Deirdre agreed. She stood and faced Shasti. "All speculations and emotional thoughts aside, and given the true facts, I must say that I am truly impressed by your performance, Shasti." "Thank you, Deirdre," Shasti replied, her voice unchanged. "I should say that I am equally impressed by your intellect, especially now." A brief nod from Deirdre. "Your acknowledgement is appreciated." She turned to face Ayoob. "Now that the truth has been released to all parties -- and I could tell it was the truth -- I believe the problems I wished to address have all been explained." "I believe they have," Ayoob replied. "Our respective datafiles have been synchronized. Your special abilities are no longer required at the moment, so feel free to switch back." Deirdre nodded, closing her eyes. Suddenly she swayed backwards, collapsing into her chair. "Oh, dear!" Shasti cried, her social personality activated by this visual stimulus. "Deirdre! Are you all right?!?" "Ohhhhhh.... Goddddd.... my *head*..." Deirdre moaned. "That's the side effect of her power," Ayoob said to the distressed Shasti. "When she de-synchronizes, the shutdown of her higher functions destabilizes her entire brain for a little while. Sort of a 'computer hangover,' if you will. She'll need a good long sleep, though; I'll get an airchair in here." He was still interfaced, so the call was sent in a matter of microseconds. "She's a wonderful partner, sir," Shasti said, looking at the now unconscious Deirdre. "I haven't seen very many true intellectuals among my new peers; none quite like her, anyway." "Deirdre's one of a kind," Ayoob said, smiling. "And so are you, Shasti. That's something they can't take away from either of you." Shasti smiled, then turned her attention to the medic entering with the airchair. She picked Deirdre up and loaded her into the vehicle. "Where to?" the medic asked. "Damocles Tower, 1047-G," Shasti replied, identifying their place of residence. "Shasti," Ayoob called out. "I'm placing the two of you on D-class standby for 48 hours. That should be enough time for her to recover." "Right," Shasti acknowledged. "See you in forty-eight, then." The doors hissed shut, leaving Ayoob alone in his office. He felt relieved, glad that a weight he'd been carrying was removed. As he considered what he should do next, a buzz drew his attention to the computer terminal: -- ONLINE COM REQUESTED FROM cc@WWWA, PLEASE RESPOND... The Central Computer was calling. Ayoob issued the connecting command immediately: -- CONNECTION ESTABLISHED... Hello, Jeff. I wanted to let you know that I was watching the previous proceedings, and you handled the situation well. I thought it would. I expected Agent Deirdre would resort to her special powers if the matter got complex enough, and her ability lived up to all my expectations. Now all the information has been correctly transmitted. That brings me to my main point, regarding further dissemination of this data. You spoke with Alexi earlier, I assume? Excellent. We will proceed with the classification program then. No, Jeff, don't you worry about that. I'll tell them myself, just so they know I mean what I say. It's done then. Upload all the data to my inbox folders. I'll classify it personally. Then I'll leave you to it. Goodbye, Jeff. -- CONNECTION CLOSED, EXITING... Ayoob disconnected his cybercable and looked out the windows into the golden sunset. A fitting end to what was, for the most part, a very enlightening day. He stood, gathered the databoards into a briefcase, and headed for home... > A.D. 213510.07; 03:47:02 > Damocles Tower, Apartment #1047-G Deirdre became aware of a curtain of warm air fanning her body. It was a wonderful sensation, but it was soon superseded by an incredibly bad taste in her mouth. She was thinking about getting a glass of water when she realized she didn't know where she was. She sat up and looked at her surroundings. The room was bathed in a dark blue light. A familiar set of red numerals reading 03:48 confirmed her suspicion that it was nighttime, and further confirmed that she was in her home. She slipped out of bed and headed for the kitchen. The last thing she remembered was slipping out of consciousness in Ayoob's office. Suddenly all the data revealed in that meeting came flooding back in. Now that her computer self was not present, her emotions were permitted to have a say. There was shock, awe, apprehension, and still a slight amount of confusion, though this was minimal compared to what it had been in the days preceding the meeting. As the wave of emotional shock passed, and her intellect struck a new balance, she tried to consider all that she had heard and seen. In the end, she was simply unsure what she should think about all that had transpired or been revealed. Water glass in hand, she walked back to the bedroom. For a few moments she stood by the picture window there, gazing out at the spectacular nighttime view of the urban megaplex known as Elenore City. Behind this sea of electricity, searchlights and large silhouetted letters identified the shimmering symmetrical complex which was WWWA Central Headquarters. It was everyone's dream to work for that corporation, but one only a few would have realized... She turned to face the second bed in the room. On it lay a woman who was, according to Deirdre's logical side, a "non-human lifeform." Still, despite all the facts and data, Deirdre found it very difficult to think of this woman as anything other than human. Perhaps that was the reason she was not told immediately of Shasti's true nature, to create this kind of feeling. It was a feeling her computer mode would not agree with, but she doubted that could be helped now. She knelt at the head of Shasti's bed, looking closely at Shasti's face, her soft brown hair. She looked human. She was breathing like a human. There was a slight body odor, no cymech could boast that... Necessity of knowledge overcame anxiety: Deirdre gingerly reached out and felt Shasti's soft skin. She half expected Shasti would awaken, but this did not happen. The beautiful Osic bioroid slept on, quietly. Smell, touch, sight, all real... If she hadn't known better, Deirdre would have sworn that Shasti was human. she silently addressed the Central Computer. She suddenly felt very tired, and realized that her brain was not fully recovered from its earlier work. Taking a couple more sips from her glass, she climbed back into her bed, glancing at Shasti one more time. She smiled as her head sank into the pillows. Five seconds later she was gone... -- END CHAPTER FOUR -- ============ CHAPTER FIVE ============ > A.D. 213601.15; 09:45:00 [Opening scene: Planet Aaden, a highly advanced corporate state. With a flash of light, a WWWA "Wasp"-class assault scout warps into visual distance of the planet. As it approaches, we recognize it as the _Avatar_. Cut to the ship's interior. Deirdre is piloting the ship, while Shasti works other controls. Both are cyberlinked.] DEIRDRE Warp completed. We're in SR-COM range now. [Shasti activates the ShortRange COM system.] SHASTI _Avatar_ to Aaden Traffic Control, requesting landing instructions. [After a brief pause, a young man appears on the SR-COM monitor.] CONTROLLER _Avatar_, this is Aaden Traffic Control. We have you on our screens now. Proceed to Alpha Station landing platforms. [The man's face is replaced by course coordinates for the Alpha station.] DEIRDRE Coordinates locked in. Ready to go to landing sequence. SHASTI Let's do it. [_Avatar's_ thrusters propel the ship towards the large space station. Cut to a view of the large landing platform, as _Avatar_ touches down and an umbilical attaches to her side... Cut to a large reception area bustling with activity. Deirdre and Shasti show their ID badges (picture IDs, indicating their current status as full-fledged Trouble Consultants) to the security officer, then proceed into the station.] DEIRDRE [looking around] Pretty nice place, huh? SHASTI [Social personality] Oh yes! I wonder if the planet's just as pretty? [They walk a little farther, finally arriving at a large set of windows affording a beautiful view of Aaden and its two moons. A uniformed policewoman, standing at a railing by the windows, spots the two Trouble Consultants and approaches.] SHASTI [indicating the approaching officer] Deirdre... DEIRDRE [nodding] That's her. SHASTI [to the officer] Hello. You must be Captain Prytani. I'm Shasti, and this is Deirdre. WWWA Trouble Consultant Team #101-E, codename "Ultimas." PRYTANI [showing her badge] Lena Prytani, Aaden Corporate Police, Intelligence Division. If you'll follow me, please... [She turns and walks off, and the Ultimas follow.] DEIRDRE [softly, to Shasti] Doesn't waste any time, does she? SHASTI No. Very direct approach... [Cut to a small conference room. Prytani, Deirdre, and Shasti sit at a small table, on which rests a viewscreen, playing back pictures recorded from various violent incidents.] PRYTANI I must apologize for the rather sketchy data in our petition to your organization. Our information has been mostly theories and the like, nothing very solid to go on. SHASTI Well, we're here, so it was solid enough to merit an investigation. DEIRDRE When did this situation first come to your attention? PRYTANI About three weeks ago. One of our freight ships was attacked and destroyed by a group of flight-ready cymechs. Since then we've lost at least half a dozen more ships, attacked by either flying cymechs or ultralight gunship craft. We've also had buildings bombed, mostly on Aaden itself, but we had one incident right here on Alpha. Fortunately nobody was seriously hurt in that one. DEIRDRE & SHASTI ... PRYTANI We filed our petition after two weeks of investigations by my department turned up nothing conclusive. Whoever they are, they're covering their tracks quite well. SHASTI [Investigator personality] Have you detected any kind of pattern to their attacks? PRYTANI None that I can discern. Some of the places that were attacked did have high-value cargo, but most of them weren't really worth stealing, in my honest opinion. All the attacks appear to be random, dare I say clumsy. SHASTI Clumsy? In what way? PRYTANI I've been a cop for a long time, and I've seen a lot of terrorist attacks, quite a few of which were engineered by the Lucifer Crime Syndicate. These attacks seem to lack direction, almost as though their only purpose was to make a lot of noise. DEIRDRE Then it can't be the Syndicate behind this. They're always professional in their work. PRYTANI I agree, and yet, despite their style of attack, nobody has been able to get images much closer than the ones I've already shown you. With all the cymechs it's hard to get any decent ID photos that we can put into our identigraph systems. We have no idea where this group is coming from... DEIRDRE And that's where we come in. PRYTANI Yes, I was hoping your organization could give us a hand, if it's not too much to ask... SHASTI Captain, we wouldn't have been sent if the WWWA didn't consider this a definite problem. DEIRDRE That's right. Our job is to solve these kinds of problems, and that's exactly what we're going to do. PRYTANI [smiling] Well then, I suppose I should leave you to your own devices, and we'll be more than happy to assist if you need support. All our MemTapes are available if you need them. [Deirdre and Shasti get up and shake hands with Prytani.] SHASTI [Social personality] Thank you! We'll let you know as soon as we find something out. [Cut to a large, crowded plaza on the station. Deirdre & Shasti walk through the crowd...] DEIRDRE Well, what do you think, partner? Far as I can see, all that stuff *was* pretty random. SHASTI [Investigator personality] It certainly looked that way, I must agree. Still, despite what Lena said, I can't quite believe that we're dealing with a totally random, "clumsy" destroyer. She seems to suggest that we're up against terrorists, but terrorists always have some method to their madness, no matter how obscure it may be. DEIRDRE If that's the case, then their method must be pretty damned obscure, and we've gotta find out what it is. SHASTI That's assuming we are dealing with terrorists here. DEIRDRE Oh, right. We don't even know *that* yet. SHASTI I believe it will be to our best advantage to review *all* the raw data as soon as possible. [Slight pause, as Deirdre fishes through one of the pouches on her belt. She pulls out a gold CD-ROM disk containing the aforementioned data.] DEIRDRE [smiling] Consider it done! [She winks, and they give each other the "thumbs-up" sign.] > A.D. 213601.16; 21:59:00 > Planet Aaden, Oyasumi City [Scene: Nighttime. A black ACP (Aaden Corporate Police) command hovercraft cruises above the glowing city, escorted by a compact gunship. Cut to the interior of the hovercraft. Prytani sits in the co-pilot's seat, interfaced with the onboard computers, listening to the radios.] COM VOICE-OVERS Toris division to Aran division, report please. ... Toris, this is Aran, we're set up at zone #2. Everything's prepped and ready to fly. ... Way to go, Aran. Lay low for now. Apex says more instructions are coming. ... Roger, Aran out. ... Toris to Apex, Toris to Apex, come in... [Prytani activates the transmitter...] PRYTANI Toris, this is Apex. I have you. Go ahead. TORIS (V-O) Captain, all divisions report on station and ready for action, standing by as per your command. PRYTANI Good. Verify that all units are scanning on the frequency I specified in the briefing. Rapid relocation may be necessary. TORIS Ten-four, Apex. Toris out. [Prytani switches to another channel.] PRYTANI Apex to Mustang. Status, please. MUSTANG (V-O) Mustang to Apex. I heard everything. We'll be at the specified location as soon as we get the signal. PRYTANI Good, just make sure you keep your optics on that scan frequency. MUSTANG Not to worry, captain. The situation has been clearly explained to me. PRYTANI Excellent. Let's get to the rendezvous point. MUSTANG Right. Mustang out. [The gunship and the hovercraft rocket forward, toward the center of the city. The camera pulls back and pans across the expanse of the shining metropolis, finally stopping on one of the larger skyscrapers. Dissolve to a closer view of the skyscraper, a Kuan Yin building. The camera starts to pan down the length of the building, but stops when an explosion blows out several windows. Cut back to Prytani's cruiser. A buzzer sounds, and she responds immediately.] PRYTANI (thought) COMPUTER (display) ### Fire alarms detected at Kuan Yin Building, Sector 4-F ### PRYTANI [very impressed] Right where they said it would be! [to the COM] All units! Target location is Kuan Yin Building at 4-F! Kuan Yin at 4-F! Intercept immediately!!! [Prytani's cruiser and the gunship rotate and fly toward the skyscraper, a small plume of fire and smoke now visible...] PRYTANI Apex to Mustang! Don't wait for me! Get down there now!! MUSTANG Roger, Apex! We're on our way! [The gunship fires its afterburners and rockets ahead... Cut back to the skyscraper. A small group of people rush out of the building and clamber into a waiting armored hovertransport. As the vehicle lifts into the air, another explosion blows out a large section of the outer wall. A battalion of armored cymechs and humans flies out of the conflagration. They arrange themselves into formation around the transport. As they start to fly off, they are intercepted by two police cruisers. One fires its lasers, but the mechs and transport dodge the blasts easily. More cruisers and officers with flightpacks arrive and engage the enemy. They are able to take out a few of the cymechs, but the faster-moving enemies score more hits, disabling several officers and a cruiser, which crashes to the ground and explodes. Cut to Prytani's cruiser, still some distance away, observing this from high altitude.] PRYTANI [cringing] Damn! They're too fast! [to the COM] Mustang, come in! What's your status?! MUSTANG Almost there, Apex! Five seconds to drop-off! [Cut back to the battle. The cruisers and officers retreat as the gunship arrives and fires a hail of bullets into the fray, scattering the enemy. The gunship's side door slides open, and a lone figure in an armored WWWA flightpack leaps into the air. The pack's thrusters fire and propel the figure closer, and we see that it is Shasti.] SHASTI [Social personality] Goodness! Look at the mess you made here! [Warrior personality] Guess I'll just have to CLEAN UP!!! [She aims and fires the built-in laser rifle on the pack's right arm. The beam rips through the nearest cymech, atomizing it. Now under attack from all sides, the enemies attempt to regroup. Two more cymechs are taken out by blasts from the surviving police cruisers. A human soldier (highly cybered) attacks Shasti. She raises her laser rifle, but he manages to grab hold of the muzzle and crush it. They grapple in midair, and his cybernetic arms prove stronger than Shasti's natural ones. He pries her arms apart, exposing her abdomen (the major weak spot of WWWA flightpacks), and knees her in the stomach. SHASTI OOOMPH!! [Her eyes narrow to pinpoints, a sign that her WarDrug glands have kicked in...] THAT will be QUITE ENOUGH FROM YOU!!! [The release of WarDrugs into her system triples her strength. She rips free of his grasp and nails him over the head with her armored left arm, caving in his skull. He falls to the ground. A quick check of her laser rifle shows that it is no longer usable.] SHASTI DAMN! PERFECTLY GOOD RIFLE RUINED! [She whips out a beam sabre and goes after the nearest enemies. The cymechs jump out of range, but a human soldier is sliced in half. The enemies regroup and prepare to send a salvo of missiles after Shasti, when suddenly a barrage of lasers and missiles rains down from an unseen source, reducing the remaining enemy count by one half. Everyone looks up, and the camera quickly pans up to show _Avatar_ floating overhead.] SHASTI [thumbs up] Nice shooting, Deirdre!! [Quick flash of Deirdre at the controls of Avatar.] DEIRDRE [thumbs up] Yeah! [Cut back to the battle. _Avatar_ releases several bombs which detonate in midair, creating a huge smokescreen. Shasti flies into the smoke, sabre at the ready. More shooting is heard, and a couple corpses fall out of the smoke. Suddenly the troopship breaks clear of the smokescreen and flies away, and the remaining soldiers escape from the conflagration and follow. The police regroup and pursue. The flightpacked officers cheer.] POLICEMAN #1 All right! We've got 'em on the run! POLICEMAN #2 Way to go! Let's finish the job!! [Prytani's voice comes over the radio.] PRYTANI All units, veer off. Repeat, veer off. POLICEMAN #1 What?!? But we-- PRYTANI That's an order, mister! Do not pursue! All units proceed to temporary base at Sector 4-F immediately for further orders! SEVERAL POLICEMEN .......... [The police grudgingly break off, as the troopship flies out of sight.] [Cut to the base of the damaged Kuan Yin building. _Avatar_ is preparing to land in a cordoned off section of street, as Prytani argues with some of her lieutenants.] POLICEMAN #2 Damn it all, Captain! Their offensive power was down to less than half! We had them outnumbered! POLICEMAN #3 Yeah, we could've grabbed 'em, squeezed 'em till they talked, then flatlined the whole damn bunch and gotten this thing over with! PRYTANI Look, I know how you feel. I'd have liked to waste 'em myself. But we need to keep some of them alive for now. POLICEMAN #1 But *why*, for cryin' out loud?! We didn't take anyone alive, so how the hell are we gonna get any info?? POLICEMAN #2 With all due respect, Captain, I see no logic to your strategy. PRYTANI [irritated] All right, look, I know this looks like it makes no sense, but this is the way they wanted this to happen... [She looks in the direction of _Avatar_, which by this time has landed.] ... And I trust their judgement. [Deirdre hops out of _Avatar_ and walks toward the group of officers.] PRYTANI Well, Deirdre, I did what you asked, although at the moment I still can't understand your strategy. [Several officers behind them nod agreement.] [Prytani notices that Shasti hasn't arrived yet...] By the way, where's your partner? DEIRDRE Probably headed for the enemy base by now. [Several officers show expressions of surprise.] That's why I asked your forces to disengage. It's important that that troopship and whatever it's carrying escapes. That's the ticket to finding whatever kind of base these people have on this planet. PRYTANI & OFFICERS ...... [Cut to the transport moving over a forested area at high speed. Shasti is clinging to the aft portion of the vehicle, firing at attacking soldiers with her sidearm (a GB ElektroMag 1500). She uses her defunct laser rifle as a shield to deflect some of the incoming fire.] CYMECH #1 Damn, she's tough. HUMAN SOLDIER #1 We gotta get rid of her. If anybody finds out where the base is-- CYMECH #1 I know! I know! [The mech speaks into a COMlink.] Transport, she's deflecting all our low-level fire. Request permission to use higher charges. V-O Roger. She must be terminated immediately. Go ahead. CYMECH #1 [to the other soldiers] Go to high-power firing! CYMECH #2 But what about the trans-- CYMECH #1 Just do it!! [The first cymech levels his laser cannon at Shasti and fires. Shasti dodges the beam, but it hits the transport, causing a small explosion. Shasti is blown off the transport. A laserblast from another cymech strikes her flightpack's thrusters, disabling one. Deciding to play dead, Shasti shuts the thrusters off and allows herself to fall.] SHASTI ...... [As she falls, she observes where the transport is headed, spying indications of a metallic construct within the forest. She theorizes that the enemy is headed in that direction. That settled, she turns her attention to the problem of the rapidly approaching ground. She issues the mental command to activate the pack's thrusters, but nothing happens...] SHASTI (thought) ?!? ... Shit! Don't die on me now!! [Her eyes narrow as she tries the mental command again, with no result. She quickly reaches for the manual override switches on the thruster pack...] [Cut to the enemy cymechs and the now wounded transport. They observe as Shasti's distant form disappears into the trees. After a few seconds, a small explosion lights up that section of forest.] CYMECH #1 [relieved] Transport, did you see? V-O I saw it. Good job, gentlemen. [The transport is losing altitude.] CYMECH #1 Transport, do you need assistance? I'm sorry about-- V-O Forget it, number one. You did what you had to do. The goods're still in one piece. We can still make it back. Get ready for landing. CYMECH #1 Roger. Number one out. [To the other soldiers] Form up! We're going home! [As the smoking transport and mechs fly toward a well-concealed metal structure in the forest, the camera pans down to the site where Shasti fell. A small fire is burning there...] [Dissolve to a ground level shot of the explosion site. Most of the trees in the immediate area have been consumed by flames. The camera pulls away from the miniature inferno until a silhouetted figure, resting against a tree and breathing heavily, comes into view. The camera moves toward the figure, panning around until the light from the fire reveals the figure's identity: it is Shasti. Her flightpack is gone; she is now in a standard uniform. She has sustained several cuts and bruises.] SHASTI [still panting] Hahh... hahh... Whew, that was close... (thought) [As she says this last sentence, partially dissolve to a quick flashback of Shasti's fall. We see that the thruster fired just as she fell into the trees, slowing her descent enough so that she wasn't seriously hurt when she hit the ground. However, she still hit pretty hard, and her flightpack's systems overloaded from the crash, activating an auto-destruct sequence. Shasti recovered in time to remove the pack, salvage what she could, and get clear before it exploded, setting the nearby trees on fire. Dissolve back to Shasti, straightening herself up. Her cuts have stopped bleeding and are beginning to heal. She checks her bearings, remembering the general direction the transport took.] SHASTI (thought)