3||0|1599|0|yes 0|0|0|||||I thought people would get a kick out of this%3A|BZArcher||11:11:49|09/15/2007|I had to go up to Toronto last week for work.%0D%0A%0D%0AThere is still a moose in front of the Sony building on Gordon Baker road. %3A%3E 1|1|0|||||RE%3A I thought people would get a kick out of this%3A|Barricade||14:01:07|09/16/2007|I feel really stupid%2C coming from Seattle and all%2C but what%27s the backstory to this%3F And if there is%2C should I carefully place all soda away from my keyboard%2Fscreen when reading the reply%3F%0D%0A%3AD 2|2|1|||||RE%3A I thought people would get a kick out of this%3A|maverick_spyder||15:49:36|09/16/2007|Read the story %22Entr%27acte%3A Hogtown Rhapsody%22 over in the first half of the Symphony of the Sword section and yes%2C for large chunks you might want to keep all drinkable items away from said computer. 3|2|1|||||RE%3A I thought people would get a kick out of this%3A|BZArcher||21:19:16|09/16/2007|For your first time through any EPU story%2C I strongly advise drinking carefully. %3AD%0D%0A%0D%0ABut%2C yeah%2C go back to SOS %231%2C and you%27ll see. %3A%3E