3||0|1626|0|yes 0|0|0|||1||a sentimental mood|Gryphon||15:50:09|07/12/2008|%5Bsmall%5D%5Bi%5DBut then%2C we knew Kaitlyn was fluent in Gaulish... %5B%2Fi%5D%5B%2Fsmall%5D%0D%0A%0D%0ADes yeux qui font baisser les miens%2C%0D%0AUn rire qui se perd sur sa bouche%97%0D%0AVoil%E0 le portrait sans retouche%0D%0ADe l%92homme auquel j%92appartiens.%0D%0A%0D%0AQuand il me prend dans ses bras%2C%0D%0AIl me parle tout bas%2C%0D%0AJe vois la vie en rose.%0D%0AIl me dit des mots d%92amour%2C%0D%0ADes mots de tous les jours%2C%0D%0AEt %E7a me fait quelque chose.%0D%0AIl est entr%E9 dans mon c%9Cur%2C%0D%0AUne part de bonheur%0D%0ADont je connais la cause.%0D%0AC%92est lui pour moi%2C%0D%0AMoi pour lui dans la vie%2C%0D%0AIl me l%92a dit%2C l%92a jur%E9 pour la vie.%0D%0AEt d%E8s que je l%92aper%E7ois%2C%0D%0AAlors je sens en moi%0D%0AMon c%9Cur qui bat.%0D%0A%0D%0ADes nuits d%92amour %E0 plus finir%2C%0D%0AUn grand bonheur qui prend sa place%2C%0D%0ALes ennuis%2C les chagrins s%92effacent%2C%0D%0AHeureux%2C heureux %E0 en mourir.%0D%0A%0D%0AQuand il me prend dans ses bras%2C%0D%0AIl me parle tout bas%2C%0D%0AJe vois la vie en rose.%0D%0AIl me dit des mots d%92amour%2C%0D%0ADes mots de tous les jours%2C%0D%0AEt %E7a me fait quelque chose.%0D%0AIl est entr%E9 dans mon c%9Cur%2C%0D%0AUne part de bonheur%0D%0ADont je connais la cause.%0D%0AC%92est lui pour moi%2C%0D%0AMoi pour lui dans la vie%2C%0D%0AIl me l%92a dit%2C l%92a jur%E9 pour la vie.%0D%0AEt d%E8s que je l%92aper%E7ois%2C%0D%0AAlors je sens en moi%0D%0AMon c%9Cur qui bat.%0D%0A%0D%0A - %C9dith Piaf%0D%0A%22La Vie en Rose%22 %281946%29 1|1|0|||1||RE%3A a sentimental mood|BlackAeronaut||01:59:18|07/13/2008|With this and the previous anouncement%2C I smell something big around the corner...%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Btable%5D%5Btr%5D%5Btd%5D%5Bhr%5D%5Bfont size%3D%222%22 face%3D%22Arial Narrow%22%5D%5Bb%5DBlack Aeronaut Technologies%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0ACreative aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer%0D%0A%5Bi%5D%22Here at the Advanced R%26D Center it%27s not a normal fiscal year until we have to save the universe.%22%5B%2Fi%5D%5B%2Ffont%5D%5B%2Ftd%5D%5B%2Ftr%5D%5B%2Ftable%5D 2|2|1|||||RE%3A a sentimental mood|Star Ranger4||12:58:02|07/13/2008|%3EWith this and the previous anouncement%2C I smell something big around %0D%0A%3Ethe corner... %0D%0A%3E%0D%0AWell%2C we know he%27s been working on %5Bb%5DTHE WEDDING%5B%2Fb%5D...%0D%0A 3|3|2|||1||RE%3A a sentimental mood|BlackAeronaut||04:30:56|07/14/2008|Call me an RCW%2C but I%27ve been going into withdrawal here. Reading the cheap stuff in fanfriction.net is cool because of some of the absolutely fun ideas%2C but none of that has the kind of style that Gryphon wields. Besides%2C I%27m getting kinda tired of all the Naruto and Evangelion stories out there. Anything that Gryphon would put out is a breath of fresh air.%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Btable%5D%5Btr%5D%5Btd%5D%5Bhr%5D%5Bfont size%3D%222%22 face%3D%22Arial Narrow%22%5D%5Bb%5DBlack Aeronaut Technologies%5B%2Fb%5D%0D%0ACreative aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer%0D%0A%5Bi%5D%22Here at the Advanced R%26D Center it%27s not a normal fiscal year until we have to save the universe.%22%5B%2Fi%5D%5B%2Ffont%5D%5B%2Ftd%5D%5B%2Ftr%5D%5B%2Ftable%5D