The Wizard of WACCC By Remande, Fcrocker, and a truckload of gweeps who do not care to be connected with this book Somewhere in the University of Kansas: there was a young liberal arts freshman named Dorothy ( who had a dog named Toto ( Dorothy didn't like being at UKansas. In fact, she didn't like being in Kansas. Life in Kansas was too quiet for her taste. She wanted to have a good times she wanted to live a Iittle; in shorts she wanted to get laid. Often, Dorothy would dream of transferring to one of those wild colleges in New England. She didn't want MIT or Harvard but something more like UMass or Clark. But her parents wanted her at UKansas because she could commute on her ten-speed rather than live in a dormatory. And her parents ran her life because, although she was eighteen sibs couldn't pay her own tuition. Soo she rather unhappily rode her bicycle to and from schools dog in handlebar bags for a B.A. In Liberal Arts that wouldn't get her a decent job except as a secretary. But that's what good Kansas girls are supposed to go to college for. One day, Dorothy was walking to class when a big gust of wind came. She looked up and saw a huge wind funnel. "Oh, no, Toto, it's a twister!" Toto gave her a quizzical glance in return. Then he looked up, saw the twisters and proceeded to empty his bladder onto his mistress' stockings. Dorothy failed to reproach the dog, thus hindering its performance at obedience school due to lack of negative encouragement. Though this detail appears to mean little now, this misdemeanor on Dorothy's part will create extreme difficulty at a key point in the story. Meanwhile, Dorothy still maintained enough head on her shoulders (I know what you're thinking, pervert!) to try to find a shelter. There was nothing around except an old maintenance shack. She and Toto quickly climbed inside and shut the door. It was an old wooden shack, and Dorothy wondered if it could hold up under the storm. Not being an engineering students she had no clue. But the inside of it was filled with lawnmowers, snowblowers, powered post-hole diggers, power saws, and practically three quarters of the Black and Decker Catalog. These were all utterly worthless to Dorothy for two reasons. First and foremost, Toto knew much more about power tools than Dorothy; he could bite the cords and render them useless. Almost as importantly, there was no outlet, so all this machinery stood impotent In the face of the windstorm. When the storm hit, the building toppled over. There was a floor on the shack, and it stayed with it. Obviously, some piss-poor architect neglected to bolt the room to the foundation. Amazingly, Dorothy had enough horse sense to stay in the building. I say this is amazing because horse sense has nothing to do with storm etiquette. She felt the hut lift into the air and decided this was the socially correct point In time to faint dead away. Toto, fresh out of urine, had nothing better to do than fall asleep as well, his wet nose in her exposed (See? I knew you were a pervert!) underarm. Both the freshman and the terrier awoke to a loud thud which signified to both that the storm was over and the shack had landed. The but was still at an angle, so Dorothy was careful in opening the door. Unceremoniously, Dorothy and Toto fell out because she failed to notice that the door was facing downward. They looked up, and saw what seemed to be a very queer place. "Toto," she said, "I don't think we're in UKansas anymore." The dog gave a quizzical whimper. The shack had broken into a roof and had entered what appeared to be a lobby. The room was vacant, though bookbags and half-eaten lunches had been left by whoever used the place. The room was obviously designed by someone with a hangover, as the two long walls were at about thirty degree angles relative to each other. Benches and tables grew right out of the floor and appeared to be integral parts of the building. The curved side of the room was all window, and showed a beautiful view of an ugly, snow-laden quadrangle. A door opened from behind her, though she never realized it. A man walked out with all the stealth a ROTC student can muster, and grabbed hold of her mouth so she couldn't scream. "Oh, shit!" she thought, "I landed in Russia! Where did I leave my passport?" Her mysterious apprehender spoke. "Are you a good gweep or a bad gweep?" "Mmh mm mff mn mtttff?" "Are you a good gweep or a bad gweep?" Toto, almost as stealthily as this mystery man, sneaked up to him and proceeded to tug on his pant leg. "No! Not my dress uniform!" The man let go of Dorothy to put all of his Armed Forces skills to work on a dog he outweighed fifteen to one. Dorothy immediately spoke. "I'm not a gweep at alll I'm just a freshman from UKansas. Where am I?" Toto, seeing that Dorothy was no longer in danger, released the tasteless polyester/cotton mix and Jumped into her arms. "Welcome to WPI Tech!" "Whoopie Tech. I'll have to transfer to this school. Sounds fun!" "Seriously, you have to be a gweep. Only a gweep has the power to do that!" He pointed to her hut, and Dorothy saw that the maintenance shack had landed directly on a man in a business suit, instantly killing him. "Oh, no! What have I done?" "You've saved us all from the Un-American forces of monopoly, tyranny, and sentient linguini. He's Ed Murphy, director of DAKA." He turned to the door from whence he came. "Its safe, my fellow wedge rats! The DAKA Duke is dead!" Instantly, a group of about three dozen odd creatures, some dressed normally, others looking like hippie throwbacks, ran out of two doors on the same folding wall to witness the end of an era better off forgotten: the reign of DAKA over the land. The army type called out to one of them, shouting, "Call the owner of Boynton Pizza! We can clear out the kitchen and have him up and running In twenty-four hours If everybody pitches in! We 'II even move In the pizza ovens for him!" A snappy salute was the reply. "Yes sir, Crocker!" He ran out to find a telephone. Meanwhile, the rest of the populace was in celebration. About a quarter of them started chanting "Boynton Pizza! Boynton Pizza!" The rest, however, began a more complicated song: Ding Dong! The Duke is dead! (The Duke is dead! The Duke is dead!) Ding dong! The DAKA Duke is dead! Several natives proceeded to formally enter Dorothy into their society: We represent The Wedge Rat Corps, The Wedge Rat Corps, the Wedge Rat Corps. And in the name of the Wedge Rat Corps ... ...We'd like to welcome you to Morgan Wedge! Finally, a biotech student went over to the stiff and checked for a pulse, then announced that not only was he going for a short ride in a long black station wagon, but that his vital organs were all rendered untransplantable. After all the brouhaha (and the brew as well), Boynton Pizza was installed where Daka had once stood, and there was much rejoicing. Yaaaay. Dorothy, however, realized that she had just missed an exam for Advanced Techniques in Home Economics that she needed to pass the course. She was in big trouble. "Crocker, how do I get back to UKansas?" "Where's UKansas? " "It's in the south of the U.S." "Sorry, can't help you in that department. We rarely even get off the campus, so we're lost outside of Massachusetts." " Well, who would know how to get to UKansas? " "That would take the wisest man on campus. That would take..." Dumm dumm dumm! "Hey! Who's the jerk with the stereo? That would take the Wizard of WACCC." "The Wizard of WAC? What do I look like, a ROTC girl?" "No. The Wizard of Doubleyou ay see see see: the Wizard of WACCC. His username is..." Dumm dumm dumm! Crocker spied a rather large and stupid-looking man wearing a Lens and Lights Jacket. He stood beside a hand truck. On the hand truck stood two large speakers a cassette deck, a receiver, and a mixing board. The L&L man stood with a shit-eating grin (colorful phrase!) on his face. Crocker looked at him, then walked over to the assorted audio junk on the hand truck. Crocker touched the eject button on the cassette deck, confiscated the cassette, ran a large magnet over It, and returned it to the tape deck. "His username is Drdt. You must see him, and ask him how to get back to UKansas. The Wizard holds his court in..." Da da da dumm! The L&L man was still there. The antenna on the receiver was extended. He offered an explanation to Crocker: "Beethoven's Fifth. Classics 102 FM." Crocker took the radio, tied the antenna into an overhand knot, and returned it to the L&L man. "He holds court in Fuller Labs in the WACCC facility Itself. Wait a minute: I know what you need." He rifled through the Duke of DAKA's pockets, and from them emerged a small scrap of paper. Crocker handed this to Dorothy. "It's a username and ID. The Duke was one of those 'never logged in' Jerks. The Wizard won't talk to you realtime. You'll have to hit him on talk mode on the Encore system. Are you familiar with the Encore system?" "Of course. I'm 'dot' on and this here's 'grrr' on" "Alright, so here's an account for you." "NO!" "No?" "No? " "Woof?" "NO!" Crocker broke the chain. "Who the fuck are you?" "I am A ... E... J!" Fortunately, Crocker happened to be wearing a pendant shaped like the Cray logo. Unfortunately, thrusting It In AEJ's direction had no effect. This was a man to be reckoned with. The figure spoke. "The WACCC doesn't need another gweep, especially a foreign gweep. Take your xtank and your IRC and play it at UKansas or Obedience, but not at WP! You! Yes, you, Dorothy! Not only do you kill my partner in tyranny, but you have the gall to steal his user account! Have you no shame?" Dorothy was speechless. She said, "". "You have killed the Duke of DAKA, but you shall never vanquish the Superuser! I'll get you, my pretty!" AEJ was wearing brown pants that day. Unfortunately for him, dogs are colorblind. Toto saw red and mistook him for a fire hydrant. AEJ was obviously pissed, as well as pissed upon. Smoke came from his ears, and a flash of light emanated from his nose not unlike the sight of a blown fuse. "And your little dog, too!" He pulled out a cigar box, removed a sign from it which read "WEDGE", punched the button on the sign, and was gone from sight. Dorothy broke the silence. "Who is he?" "He is AEJ. He is in charge of host WPI and the DECstations. He basically owns WACCC." "I thought the Wizard owned WACCC." "Politics. Actually, there's, a power struggle going on right now for control over the CCC. AEJ has the administration behind him, and the Wizard has us gweeps behind him." "Oh. Where's the nearest terminal?" "It's right down there, in Daniels. Down that hall and on your right. There may be a line to wait in, though." The natives began to sing: Follow the hall. Follow the hall. Follow the, follow the, follow the, follow the, follow the hall. "Can't you keep a tune?" "Where, Crocker?" "shut up!" Dorothy started down the hall and, within five feet, met somebody. This was an odd looking man, rather tall and very thin. He was walking in towards her, and he wore a ball cap. The ball cap had a small paper sign attached to It. The sign read "De-Gaussing Button". "Who are you?" asked Dorothy. "Arf!" said Toto, who was obviously lying. "Hi. I'm Mike O'Malley, but you can just call me Fmeyer. Who are you?" "Oh. I'm Dot, and this is..." "Grrr!" "How come I've never seen you on the net?" "My home net is at UKansas, and his is on Arf. You have to go through three nets to get here." "Ah hah. Quick question: I have a long job running on the Encore, and I want to keep my terminal window open. How do I do it? " "Oh, that's easy. You hit control-Z to get a prompt, then BG to put It in the background. By the way, how can you be so dumb?" "Well, I used to be really smart. Heck, I even got accepted to WPI." "What happened?" "I enrolled here. Now that, my friend, is a dumb move." And he began to sing. Oh, I would while away the hours Conversing with the flowers, And learning Diff EQ's. I could pass all my classes, Learn the chemistry of gases If I only had a clue. "Why is everyone so odd here?" "WPI's an engineering school. What can you expect?" "Hmmm." Pant, pant, pant, pant. "Fmeyer, I have a great idea! I'm going to talk to the Wizard to find my way home to UKansas. Maybe he can give you a clue!" "Clue? Who's the murder victim?" "Then again, you may be beyond even his help." "It can't hurt to try!" "True." So, the three: dog, freshman (who was definitely not the dog), and zombie, stomped off to the Daniels terminals. When they got there, both terminals were occupied by a man who looked rather wild, and did not quite "look like th'inhabitants of th' earth". This little piece of useless Shakespearean trivia is just one example of what Dorothy needed to learn to graduate from college. Anyway, back to the man at the terminal. He had his hands on both keyboards. One screen displayed a map from Stellar Empires: on the other was viewed an emacs window, and this particular gweep was transferring information from the former to the latter. He was in the full Gweeptrance, utterly unfazed by anything undigital. Dorothy, not knowing Gweeptrance, knocked on his head as if it were a door. "Anybody home?" No avail. Fmeyer, with a rare inspiration, turned off the game terminal. The user finished entering his emacs data, turned, and visibly dropped his jaw. He then looked up at Fmeyer. "Spudcrl, we need to use a terminal." "So? Buy one!" He looked at his other visitors. "Hey, babe, you new in town?" Toto, not being a homosexual, replied "Arf! Arf Arf!" After Spudcrl's eyes adjusted from monochrome to live viewing, he repeated the question to Dorothy. "Why, yes, Spudcurl." "No. Spud_crl_. Pronounce it with a U, but spell it without one. "Sorry, Spudcrl." It sounded the same, but was written differently. "Again, can we use a terminal?" "No. I need both of 'em." The user turned the terminal on and noticed a fuzzy black shape at his keyboard. It had already killed the game, had typed In "rm ~/*.*", and had its paw right over the return key. Spudcrl admitted defeat, and Toto typed in "exit" As Fmeyer logged in, Dorothy asked Spudcrl, "How can you be so cruel?" "Actually, it's rather easy. You see, I have no heart." "But you're still alive!" "That's the funny thing about it." He passed her his driver's licence. "Look at this." It read "Organ donor". "Unfortunately, they needed it before I died. They took mine and replaced it with an old bilge pump from a fishing boat. Which is why I'm here as an M.E. major. I want to learn how to fix the damn thing if it breaks down!" "You must be joking!" "No, I'm serious." He opened his mouth. Dorothy put her ear up to it, and heard the characteristic thwup, thwup, thwup. She then felt him licking her ear. She immediately recoiled and slapped him in the face. "Disgusting!" she cried. He tried to explain himself. I would never be complaining And oh, so entertaining, I'd really play the part. I would really be quite human (At least, that's what I'm presumin') If I only had a heart. "Look at this!" said Fmeyer, gesturing towards the screen. Dorothy felt that the time was right, and pressed the de-gaussing switch on his hat. He characteristically wiggled, and she turned her attention to the screen. He said, "His messages are on, but he has some routine in there where everything bounces back and says he can't be bothered with simple talk requests. It says to talk to someone named Tracker realtime at the door to Fuller. Dorothy said, "I used to be a bit of a hacker at UKansas. Let me try." Fmeyer logged out, and Dorothy logged in. As she entered her C-shell, she heard someone join the already full wedge terminal cage. Fmeyer addressed him as "MacGyver", and thus Dorothy was quite interested. She looked for MacGyver's "finger" file and found nothing. The new user leaned over her shoulders and entered in "f macquivr" and up popped a full report, including a .plan file. Dorothy saw him, but found no relationship to MacGyver. "Macquivr?" Dorothy asked, surprising even herself. "It's spelled Macquivr, but pronounced MacGyver." "Macquivr?" Same spelling, different pronunciation. "Why is it spelled like that?" "They screwed up when they made my account. Aah, if I only had the right username." I'd be sane and I'd be normal, And just a bit more formal, I really would be tame. I'd be a real lady-pleaser, Not a gweeping program teaser, If I had a decent name. All the while, Dorothy could not find a way to break through and talk to the Wizard. "Well," she said, "It seems like we're going to have to walk all the way to Fuller Laboratories after all." Fmeyer spoke. "But still, we're off to see the Wizard!" \begin{verse} Weeeee're off to see the Wizard, The wonderful Wizard of WACCC We'll walk from here to Fuller Labs And never lose his track! We'll meet the Wizard of WACCC because, because, because, because, because, Because, because, becauusse... Because of the digital things he does We're off to see the Wizard The wonderful Wizard of WACCC! Unfortunately, Matthew (both his first name and his user name) showed up with the hand truck blaring an instrumental, so the quartet stood no chance of a second verse. It took Dorothy, Toto, Fmayer, Spudcrl, and Macquivr a full five minutes to reach Fuller labs, and they were almost exhausted by the end of the trip (but that's another story). Tracker, standing at the main entrance to the WACCC room, stopped and challenged the group at the gate. "I know you three guys," he said! "and I know both women on campus. So who are you in the dress?" "I'm Dot, from UKansas. I was brought here in a maintenance shack by a cyclone." Spudcrl characteristically butted in. "That shack killed the DAKA Duke." "You killed the Duke of DAKA? Beautiful! Come on in! What are you here for?" "We came to see the Wizard. You see, I'm in big trouble. First, I have to get home to see if I can take a make-up exam. Second, I am being hunted by AEJ." "AEJ? That's serious!" He typed some stuff Into a DECstation used solely for telneting WPI, and got a reply. "He says to enter. Come on in! He's right over there. The Wizard was keeping court. Surrounded by rajeesh, planet10, and parker, he was performing those duties a Wizard must perform. He was playing xtank. The Wizard spoke. "I am the great and powerful Drdt! I am the Wizard of WACCC!" "I can imagine so," Dot retorted, "Doesn't look like any girl in the state would want you!" "Shut up! What do you want?" "Well, I've been trying to get back to UKansas. " "And I've been looking for a clue." "And I need a heart, not a bilge pump!" "While you're at it, can you change my username? " "Now you, Dorothy, was the one who killed the Duke of DAKA?" "It wasn't me. It was the maintenance shack!" "Close enough. Then you four are the people I've been looking for! It must be a sign from God!..." Drdt noticed a beep from his terminal and looked down at it... [God sez: I had nothing to do with it.] Drdt, annoyed at God, piped the Twilight Zone at his terminal. He turned back to his own worshipers. "I can give you all of those, but you must first do something for me!" "Which is?" "Terminate AEJ." "You gotta be kidding us!" "No! You must log AEJ off and make sure he never logs on again! Bring back the root password for proof." He then chuckled to himself about a "two for one" deal. "Well, how are we going to do that?" "Leave! And do not attempt to interface with me again until you can give me the root directory! Go!" The four went, but only so far as the next row of DECterminals, where they tried to find out everything they could about AEJ in order to destroy him. Cameraman, shift the scene to AEJ's Sanctum Sanctorum. No, not to the WACCC Itself. First, go to the back room, the Mecca where pilgrim lab moniters worship the WPI host computer in person. Look inside there. Look on the raised floor, under which pounds of connector cable lay. Look for a trap door and open it. Take your self and your camera down there, down into the bowls of the CS facility, down into--- Ba ba ba bummm! ---and while you're at it, shut up that L&L jerk--- --- Down into the 8th dimension. More specifically, down into 8thdimension, named after the realm Buckaroo Banzai once traveled in the Jet Car. The 8thdimension DECstation is only accessible by AEJ himself, and has no screen. Rather underneath the host WPI computer itself is a crude Holodeck acting as a 3-d, walk-in display: One corner of the room holds a massive Icon Box. An xpclock hangs on one wall, telling the time. Emacs and T-shell windows hang in mid-air. Each wall, the ceiling and floor has had the background replaced by pornographic xgifroots. This was a gweep's heaven, save for the fact that in the middle of the room stood AEJ himself. AEJ was looking for a way to exact revenge on Dorothy. Since she was logged on, he knew she was at the CCC lab terminals. If he could get her into 8thdimension, he could play some very interesting mind games with her and xgif. Then, after she became completely disoriented, doing the old Ctrl-D on her would be easy, and there would be no evidence she ever entered Fuller. But he had to get her over there. Then he had it. He had an unstoppable .plan. He walked over to a T-shell window, slapped it to wake it up, and scribbled on it with his finger, "xphone". Meanwhile, cut back to Dorothy and company. They had yet to turn up anything about the mysterious Superuser, although they were attempting desperately. They heard a strange noise from behind them. "What's that?" Dorothy said. "Grrr." replied Toto. Amazingly, he was correct. "I don't know," said Spudcrl, "Let's listen." The _thomp, thomp_ of marching feet was what they heard. A few seconds later, the wedge terminal cage was surrounded by two dozen freshman wearing GDI pledge pins. The largest one said, "You're coming with us." to Dorothy. The three misfit natives tried to fight them, but there were too many pledges and they left with Dorothy. Fmeyer, Spudcrl, and Macquivr were left in the wedge terminal cage. Spudcrl broke the silence. "We've got to find Dorothy!" Fmayer was quizzical. "Why?" "Libido!" Then Fmeyer came up with a .plan. In the host WPI room, Dorothy was forced into the Host WPI room, and AEJ was waiting there with a huge stack of pizzas. "Thanks, pledges, pick 'em up, two per person." "Thanks, dude!" The pledges left from the building with their prizes. When they left, they saw another part of AEJ's .plan. The student security team was guarding the building. In their warm-up jackets, they marched around, chanting: Oooh-eee-ooh. Snaaaaap patrol. Oooh-eae-ooh. Snaaaaap patrol. About an hour later, three more SNAP members arrived to replace others. The old guards left surprisedly, expecting to be there all night. The tall guard talked to the other two. "Okay. Spudcrl, Macquivr, you know what to do?" "Yup." "Good. Now will someone tell me?" Spudcrl slapped Fmeyer in the face. The three casually walked into the Host WPI room, all the while singing the inane "SNAP Patrol" chant. Nobody was the wiser. AEJ had just skipped out of 8thdimension in order to leave Dorothy to the psychedelic x-everything program he had for her. It was merely a matter of time for all of Dorothy's defenses to crumble and her home net password to be AEJ's! Soon he would enslave another school. The X-TieDye program written by kcyr would turn her brain to mush that would be easily sifted through. Fmeyer was starting to feel the tension. He reached up to hit his de-gaussing switch and Spudcrl slapped his hand down. "Don't hit that!" hissed Spudcrl. "Why not?" asked a confused Fmeyer. "We need it for the .plan!" shouted Macquivr. "Shhhhhhh!" said one and all (even a guy walking out of the bathroom). "Oh, that's right ... What was the .plan?" said a still confused Fmeyer. "Why don't you get a clue? Oh, that's right!" Spudcrl shook his head sadly and halted the discussion. (Back in 8thdimension...) Dorothy was going insane. The x-tye-dye was doing its worst. She was in a world where all the colors were changing, not unlike the mesmerization some feel after staring into DAKA food. This was the closest to hell one could get without being stuck in line in registration. That simulation was coming next. A hole opened in the floor of the place. Three people, wearing SNAP warm-up jackets, entered feet-first, defying all laws of gravity. What Dorothy couldn't have known was that they were obeying the laws of gravity while she wasn't. "Dorothy! We've got to get you out of here!" "Watch out! AEJ's coming back any minute!" Spudcrl started things rolling. "What is this place?" "It's a DECstation display. You might be able to get back to a shell!" "Thanks. Macquivr! Put xeyes on the walls and something on the floor to get his attention!" Macquivr throw his entire weight into one wall, shocking the x-tye-dye back into the icon box and revealing a tcsh window. He immediately threw an Internet Relay Chat on the floor, and xeyes on all four walls. Meanwhile, Spudcrl was busy slapping some Five-Minute-Only glue from the Materials Engineering department on his, Fmeyer's, and Dorothy's (with more care on her than normal) backs. When Macquivr finished, he got stuck-up also. All four undergrads adhered to the ceiling. The hatch opened again. AEJ saw the IRC window and was wondering what happened. Dorothy was gone! AEJ immediately leapt into the rooms and Macquivr threw a sticky pointer at him. All xeyes were on him. He turned around and found nothing but xeyes and IRC. Now was the time for the coup de grace. Macquivr motioned and Fmeyer tossed his hat onto AEJ's head. Spudcrl threw a tcsh cursor at the button on the hat. AEJ hadn't been de-gaussed for a long time. He needed a good de-gaussing, more than anyone on the campus. Unfortunately for him, this was the exact wrong time. Now the average reader at this time would be wondering what exactly it's like to get degaussed. Perhaps this little description will help... Ok... picture in your mind, !f you can, a break dancer doing a "popping" routine. Now take this whole little maneuver and speed it up ten or twenty times. Got It? Ok... now here comes the tricky part. Get about ten or twenty of his best friends and give them all a can of paint containing some awful fluorescent shade. (Technicolor Yawn #2345TCY) is a recommended color. Now while the poor soul Is going through this "Maniac Popping" all of his friends will throw the various cans of paint upon him creating an incredible collage of colors (kcyr has been trying for this effect for years). The final, and most miraculous bit of this is that once the dance routing ends, the "victim" returns to perfectly normal appearance with no signs of anything having ever happened to him... Well, I tried... Just take my word for it... AEJ was not amused. In fact, he was going through the entire de-gaussing process for about ten minutes. The walls changed color around him, and five troops of Boy Scouts in Omaha got lost. Professor Hilsinger got some very strange results from his accelerator experiment, as antiprotons committed suicide on the metal walls. After the glue wore off, AEJ was still busy de-gaussing. The three gweeps and one UKansan tried to get while the getting was good. Unfortunately, the one egress from 8thdimension was locked. There was no way out. Eventually, AEJ finished degaussing. He tossed his hat back to Fmeyer and the freshman promptly de-gaussed himself, though nowhere near as dramatically as the superuser. "You will never kill me!" AEJ said, "And I will soon reduce you to non-users all!" Macquivr, remembering that they needed the root passwords used the direct route and asked "What is the root password?" AEJ replied, startling even himself. "The root password is ... No! I won't tell you!" He began writing the commands on a tsch window that would rm Fmeyer from the face of the net. Dorothy was piqued. "Don't you do that!" And she swung at him. As mentioned earlier, Dorothy's failure to reproach Toto for urinating on her would cause distress later in the book. This is later !n the book. Toto, utterly lazy, was laying down by her feet. Dorothy tripped over him, missed AEJ completely, and fell face-first into the Icon Box. What neither Toto nor Dorothy saw, though all else did, was the effect of that simple misstep on AEJ. AEJ began with a simple look of terror on his face. He lost all control over bodily functions. All his muscles locked up. He was speechless. Then things rally started to get Interesting. AEJ gravitated towards the Icon Box, never moving a muscle, simply floating over. His foot touched an icon in the box labeled "AEJ" and disappeared. The AEJ icon solidified itself, and all that was left was his clothing. Spudcrl said "You iconified him!" Macquivr was already at a tcsh window. "One minute. I've always wanted to do this". He entered In a few commands, asked for a csh, and, curiously enough, xtank popped up on the floor. With a back-breaking effort, he pulled the AEJ Icon out of the box. He then placed it on the floor, and watched bbugger scoot around and mine it to smithereens. Macquivr paused the game and picked up the piece of swiss cheese which was once big cheese, and handed it to Spudcrl, who promptly tore it to shreds. Fmeyer rifled AEJ's pockets and found the key out of the room. Joyfully, the undergrads returned to the Wizard. "Here it is!" Spudcrl threw a heap of grey Icon at the Wizard. "Beautiful!" Drdt replied, "But where is the root password? Did you get It?" Macquivr spoke. "Allow me." Drdt set up a login prompt and entered "root" into it. The password prompt came up. Macquivr pressed the period key three times, and hit return. Drdt was logged in to root. "Wonderful! How can I ever repay you?" Dorothy was angered. " I thought we told you that beforehand." Toto looked quizzically. "What is it, Toto?" Dot questioned. She looked at Toto's point of interest, which was a coaxial cable leading from Drdt's pant leg to Rajeesh. The wizard saw this, and tried to explain !t. "It's a power line to electric socks! To a pacemaker! It's an MQP! An artificial artery made by BioMech majors that fell out! It's... " It was obvious that the Wizard was really an android. Thus, it was fitting that the Android was really the wizard. Andrew Petrarca sat hacking away at Realsoon. "Okay, you got me. What can I say?" Fmeyer motioned for Maxquivr to enter the Host WPI room. "Well, how about giving us the demands we asked for?" "And if I don't?" A cry came out from the Host WPI room. "I'm at the reset switch now, Meyer. Say the word! Android sat in horror. "Not the..." Dum dum dummmmm! Your friend and mine, the bi, stupid, L&L dude was back with his hand truck. The antenna was still tied, but he had a new cassette. Spudcrl sized up the situation. This would go on for weeks. He asked the L&L man, "Got a screwdriver?" If an L&L man was caught on duty without a screwdriver, he would try diligently to hide this fact from anyone and everyone. An L&L man without a screwdriver is like a pledge without a pin, a cop without a badge, or a school without a budget. Left with no choice, he handed over his screwdriver to Spudcrl. Spudcrl used the screwdriver to remove the protective grid plates from both speakers, then utterly perforated each of the offensive diaphragms. Thanking the L&L man profusely for its use, Spudcrl returned the screwdriver to him. Android, after being so rudely interrupted, completed his sentence. "Not the reset button!" "Yes, the reset button!" "Okay, okay, let's see what I can do for you here. First off, you, Fmeyer. You think you need a clue. However, if you look in this world, you can find many very successful people without clues. In fact, the clueless are often better off. So I won't actually give you a clue." Android poked some stuff into elm. "What I have given you is better. If you check your e-mail, you will find explicit directions on how to enter and use Boynton Hall's report card writer. You will be able to write your own grade, even for courses you snowflaked." "Now for your Spudcrl. You need a heart. Actually, you need an attitude adjustment. No-one can be that heartless for that long without some major, obvious cause." The Android looked him over. "Let's get to the seat of the problem." He lowered Spudcrl's trousers, reached for his backside and unsheathed three feet of cold steel that had been blocking up his large intestine. Spudcrl was obviously relieved, and Android washed the sword and gave it to him. "Now the Nightblade is separated from its keeper. That should be a step in the right direction." Macquivr entered the CCC room very slowly and defended himself. The Paranoid Android spoke. "You, my friend, will take some work. Even root privileges can't change your name. So, I'll do the next best thing." "I am currently infiltrating the networks' computer systems, especially their character generators. All references to MacGyver will be changed. Since Macquivr cannot become MacGyver, MacGyver shall become Macquivr." Macquivr straightened up again. "Thank you, O dangerous one!" "And at last we come to Dorothy. You want to make it back to UKansas. Well, to tell you the truth, I'm a transfer student myself and I've been looking for an excuse to get the hell out of here. How is the computer center at UKansas?... " The next day was a huge event at Pearault Auditorium in Fuller Labs. The Wizard called a general meeting of the gweeps and all else who knew him. Three Newspeak reporters were there, as well as several cameramen for Midnight Snack. The Wedge looked evacuated, as the Wedge Rat Corps all attended. Every ROTC student, invited by Fcrocker himself, attended in full uniform. The Wizard and Dorothy walked out onto the lecturer's floor, and the crowd gasped in awe. Who would dare impersonate the Wizard? The Android spoke. "I am---was---the true Wizard of WACCC. The user you have been addressing as such, Drdt, was only a robot I controlled. I used it as a facade." "Bull!" shouted a heckler. "For proof:" retorted Android, and he motioned towards a door. Drdt walked out of the door to front center stage. he then proceeded to unscrew his head from his neck and die. This in itself is a common occurrence at WPI, especially for A-term freshmen, pledges during Hell Week, and seniors finishing up their MOP, IQP, and sufficiency In the same term. The only truly amazing part is, after Andrew took the head from the arms and played a little soccer with It, he screwed It back into place and Drdt was alive again, asking for a large dose of aspirin. The crowd was convinced of Android's (and the android's) identity. Android spoke. "In the same day, two great evils have been removed from this Institute. Yesterday afternoon, Dorothy here landed in the Upper Wedge and utterly crushed Ed Murphy, the DAKA Duke!" And there was much rejoicing. Yaaaaay. Dum dumm dummm! "What?!? Where did he come from?" exclaimed Fcrocker. "This time I'll definitely make sure he's quiet." Fcrocker gathered up a bunch of his ROTC friends and they had a brief meeting to plan the attack. Hand grenades were quickly distributed and the assault began. Imagine for a moment, if you will, a bunch of half-trained and over-zealous Army ROTC cadets assaulting the projection room of this great hall. The entire production being executed with grace, artistry, and the true chutzpah that makes these fine men and women future army leader material. Now take this image and throw it out, because this had as much resemblance to that as a Big Wheel does to the USS Enterprise. The other cadets fell to destroying the various speakers in the hall and ripping out any wiring they could. Fcrocker took one look at the wall of the projection room and realized that he'd need one of his half-level speells to crack this stronghold. Pulling the pin from the grenade and lobbing it at the glass, he dove for the ground and waited for the "Ka-BOOM!!!" One "Ka-BOOM" later... "Heh heh," muttered Fcrocker. "Knock does it again." Fcrocker ran into the shattered remains of the projection room and waved his magic wand (M-16) about, thereby insuring that Matthew suffered from an acute case of lead poisoning. "Ok everyone, it's all over here. Continue with the summing up, Android." "And, just before midnight, Dorothy and some friends from this very undergraduate program killed the Superuser, AEJ, with an xtank from his own system." The crowd fell into hysterics, which is quite dangerous in a lecture hall angled at forty-five degrees. Minor injuries were reported later. "However, the time has come when I must go. I am taking Dorothy, in a limousines to UKansas, where I will be continuing my quest for the BS degree in BS." The crowd was disgruntled. "However, I leave you in capable hands. The new superuser will be Fmeyer, not yet with a clue, but satisfied-with cluelessness. Spudcrl, removed from his metal, will handle all user/system relations and head the monitor corps. Any problems will have to go through him and the NightBlade. And Macquivr, who now even has a renowned television character named after him, will be the chief software improvement officer, in an attempt to create better shells, window managers, games, and possibly curing all the ills of emacs." The crowd gasped at the last phrase, as that seemed Impossible. Yet Macquivr was up to the task. "And now, I bid you adieu, for I must be going." Android, Dorothy, and Toto left, leaving the meeting to be continued by Fmeyer, Spudcrl, and Macquivr. A limousine was awaiting, and the three aliens to this world entered the back seat. The limo immediately took off, going about fifty. Unfortunately, Yugo Automotive has entered the luxury car market, and this particular limo was from that same producer of fine rolling mousetraps. The driver took a hard left turn, the rear passenger door flew open, and Dorothy and Toto were thrown onto the open road. The chauffeur noticed the next day, and Android, having packed his glasses, never knew until Kansas. However, following in a small, rented, military jeep, was Fcrocker. "Can I help you, Dot?" "I fell out Android's Limo! I still have to got to UKansas. Can you give me I lift?" "Sorry this jeep can't be taken out of state. However, like all good gweeps, I have a trick or two up my sleeve." He waved his magic M-16 (unloaded, safety on), and mystical energy filled the air. Most of it got wasted on the air, but some actually hit Dot. "What was that?" "That was one of my half level spells, RLAMF." "RLAMF?" "Run Like A Mother Fucker. All you have to do is beat some track records and repeat 'There's no place like the homenet; there's no place like the homenet...'" She took off like a bat out of hell, chanting those same words. No one in WPI saw her again, but everyone remembered the day thunder rang in Worcester, unaccompanied by lightning, lightnin, rain, or jet. Dorothy awoke, realizing that her feet were kicking like mad and she was chanting "There's no place like the homenet". Her history teacher wished her "Good morning, Dorothy. What was that all about?" "I was at-WPI. They had the strangest people there. There was an evil superuser named AEJ, but a good Wizard, except he wasn't a real Wizard, and... There's no place like the homenet!" Later that days she went to the local hospital and tested positive for drugs.