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When Avatar Korra invited her old friend Corwin Ravenhair and his family to spend some time with her in Dìqiú after his wedding to Utena Tenjou, she had no specific plan in mind, other than to make up some of the time stolen by the scheming of certain White Lotus Masters, repair their damaged friendship, and get to know his loved ones.

But where Utena goes, revolution follows - just not necessarily the kind the Masters were afraid of...

Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Magnetic Terrapin Studios

UF: TLOK/OOTR - The Dìqiú Suite

The Legacy of Korra The Order of the Rose Default
Prelude: Career Counseling
Benjamin D. Hutchins
First Movement: Honeymoon by the Sea
Benjamin D. Hutchins
Philip J. Moyer
Second Movement: What's Past Is Prologue
Benjamin D. Hutchins
Philip J. Moyer
with Anne Cross
Geoff Depew
Third Movement: Goodbye and Hello, As Always: The Director's Cut *
Benjamin D. Hutchins
Philip J. Moyer
with Anne Cross
Fourth Movement: Familiar Spirits
Benjamin D. Hutchins
with Anne Cross
Philip Jeremy Moyer
Fifth Movement: Among Honest Hearts
Benjamin D. Hutchins
and Philip Jeremy Moyer
with Anne Cross
and Jaymie Wagner

* (Includes Madrigal for a Nostalgic Afternoon ("Avatar Storytime") and Étude for Firebenders in A ("Fire Hazards").
Original "Theatrical Version", without those stories included in the main narrative, also available.)

[ NEW ] [ CORE ] [ GOLDEN ] [ EXILE ] [ FUTURE ] [ &c. ]
[ UF ] [ NXE ] [ TIA ] [ WL ] [ .45 ] [ HL ] [ GW ]

version 3.3 © 2001
Eyrie Productions, Unlimited
Benjamin D. Hutchins
E P U (Colour)